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Posts aren't forwarding to communities

Hi, for at least 7 days, posts created on Mastodon on the server that mention the communities @[email protected] and @[email protected] have not been forwarding correctly.

The server does not restrict access to at all, is marked as limited but that doesn't apply to Lemmy.

I'm posting from the @[email protected] and @[email protected] accounts and they always have the handle for the respective Lemmy community at the bottom of our posts.

Thanks in advance for the support!

  • Hi,

    there seems to be an issue with the mastodon instance requiring AUTHORIZED_FETCH.

    Lemmy 0.19.3 does currently not have a working implementation of authorized fetch, this should get fixed in 0.19.4 when that is released.

    For now, the only workaround is to disable secure mode on mastodon.

    edit: see also

    • That sucks, I don't moderate the Mastodon server so I can't do much about it. I don't really want to migrate 840 followers to a different server at the moment, the instance admins are really friendly and I like being in our small space.

      Guess we're going to have to wait then.

      Thanks for the response!