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Europe Jure Repinc

Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead" Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"

The European Union’s new Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a complex, many-legged beast, but at root, it is a regulation that aims to make it easier for the public to control the technology they use and rely on. One DMA rule forces the powerful “gatekeeper” tech companies to allow third-party app stores....

Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead"

The DMA is meant to push us toward a world where you decide which software runs on your devices, where it’s easy to find the best products and services, where you can leave a platform for a better one without forfeiting your social relationships , and where you can do all of this without getting spied on.

If it works, this will get dangerously close to better future we’ve spent the past thirty years fighting for.

There’s just one wrinkle: the Big Tech companies don’t want that future, and they’re trying their damndest to strangle it in its cradle.