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Rare truffle find in Scottish spruce forest sends fungi experts on alien species hunt Rare truffle find in Scottish spruce forest sends fungi experts on alien species hunt

Chamonixia caespitosa found during rewilding project in west Highlands while removing non-native Sitka spruce

Rare truffle find in Scottish spruce forest sends fungi experts on alien species hunt

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Naturalists have found a very rare type of truffle living in a Scottish forestry plantation which is being cut down so a natural Atlantic rainforest can grow in its place.

The discovery of the globally rare fungus near Creagan in the west Highlands has thrown up a paradox: the work to remove the non-native Sitka spruce, to allow rewilding by native trees, means the truffle will be lost.

Chamonixia caespitosa, a type of truffle normally found in the Alps and Scandinavia, has only been recorded once before in the UK, in north Wales, seven years ago. Inedible to humans, it has a symbiotic relationship specific to this species of spruce. When it ripens, its white fruit turns a mottled blue in contact with the air.

The naturalists involved are puzzled about how it arrived in Scotland; it is very unusual for fungus spores to travel to the UK on the wind, and the UK’s Sitka plantations were grown from seeds originally imported from Canada.