I get what you mean. He certainly had the skills to be a pretty good leader, and even his political ideology was not too bad.
But he never could have been a good Prime Minister, because he simply did not have the personality for it. His failure was in his desire to cling on to power at all costs and his complete willingness to sacrifice all his personal beliefs to that end. He couldn't be a good Prime Minister, because those qualities were core to who he is.
Thanks for sharing this though. He does speak very well on this subject.
Whether you like his politics or not, no doubt he is intelligent and has ability to understand world affairs. I lean left, but if I had to chose between Malcolm and ScoMo would rather have Malcolm. The liberals shot themselves in the foot.
Plus his incredibly stupid comment of "The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia". As someone with a passing knowledge of cryptography that made me head-desk.
I wonder if Turnbull ever considered just calling a snap election and fucking his entire party given that they were already collecting signatures to oust him? There's no loss to you? Heck you might even stay in!