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The relationship between a Human and an Android (romantic or not)

Thoughts about it?
Could it be a good thing? Could it be dangerous? Should it be explored or banned?
What about ethics? Android rights? Freedom? Android feelings?

  • Might I suggest two books that explore relationships (not sexual) in this way?

    I like that these explore from the perspective of the machine/cyborg

    Klara and the Sun

    “Klara, you’re quite remarkable,” Manager said, keeping her voice soft so as not to disturb Rosa and the others. “You notice and absorb so much.” She shook her head as though in wonder. Then she said: “What you must understand is that we’re a very special store. There are many children out there who would love to be able to choose you, choose Rosa, any one of you here. But it’s not possible for them. You’re beyond their reach. That’s why they come to the window, to dream about having you. But then they get sad.”

    The murderbot diaries - from the perspective of a cyborg loosened from its chains and what it decides to do (and not do). Hilarious but also deep in a lot of ways.

    I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don't know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.