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  • So cute!

    Though, female reindeer can grow antlers if I'm not mistaken.

    That begs the question, can transmasc deers grow their own antlers with HRT? If I'm not mistaken, female deers can sometimes grow antlers due to hormonal imbalance, so it'd be fair to assume transmasc deers can grow their own antlers with HRT.

    Actually, transfurs are really interesting logistical wise. The differences between male and female animals are rather different than humans, so it'd be interesting to see how that would apply to anthros.

    • its a fun thought experiment! :3

      i dont think itd be ethical to play with an animal's hormone levels and actually find out, but like...the male cow in barn yard has udders and such.

      • To be fair, female deers growing antlers due to hormone imbalance have been observed in nature, but it's rare. It just goes to show that even biological gender-- much like everything else-- is far more complex than the neat little boxes we label "male" and "female."

        Though, in an anthro world, anything goes really. The only limit is the creator's imagination. After all, nothing stops us from drawing boobs on bird sonas, even if they're not mammals.

        Also, relevant TvTropes.

      • I mean you don't really have to there are real life instances of animals with hormone disorders which have been observed and since it can happen in nature without any intervention it's safe to say it would likely also happen to them in situations like the one presented. Though I guess that would make memes like this less funny.