You have a few options here. You could try Butyric Acid but you might get crazy because it is to strong. Sulfuric compounds like Hydrogen Sulfide numbs your nostrils so it might work nicely.
Pro tip: don't use cat urin because some people are sexually attracted to it because of a infection with Toxoplasma Gondii.
Toxoplasma Gonii is a parasite that lives between cats any mice interchanged via cat urine (cat to mouse) and mouse blood (mouse to cat). To enhance interaction t. gondii changes the neurochemical reaction of the mouse to be attracted to the smell. Some scientists state that a similar reaction happens in humans. Human males infected with it (toxoplasmosis) show positive response to some chemicals also found in cat urine. It can also be shown that the change in behaviour goes way deeper and might even promote Schizophrenia.