We should have known when they told to stand in an empty field in a line and take turns shooting each other... and not to shoot the guys in the fancy hats.
They have twisted that shit all around... remember these are the same idiots who fly the traitors flag and are proud of it. I'm from the south...and a minority...fuck that flag and fuck their heritage bullshit, the south is so much more than a bunch of slave owners bullshit. We should be able to be proud of the good stuff and drop the bad like a hot rock.
Surely you meant sweet potato pie! Apples don't really grow down here.
But yeah, the southern heritage one should want to claim ought to be more about shrimp and grits and less about confederates and slavers. Those traitors are history, but no decent person would claim that hateful shit as their damn heritage. Unfortunately, we ain't about to run outta folks lacking decency anytime soon.