I think that true for all pics, it's a fairly cartoonish/exaggerated & simplified representation for normies to get it quicker & be more understanding/differently accommodating.
As for floaters, those are the only pals that don't leave me. They can't, ... but they dont, that's the main point here.
Ive not had eyefloaters as depicted in this image, but I did manage to get gaslit by people for a long time, telling me I was hallucinating, until I found out that entoptic blue field phenomenon is a thing.
I was the only person in my friends/family circle who was autistic enough to notice and attempt to describe it.
That kind of looks like visual snow, which I tried for years to get my eye doctors believe even existed. I know all too well that feeling of being gaslit by assembly line eye doctors just trying to churn out office visits as quickly as possible.