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UAW President Sells Out Labor-Members Still Voting Trump After Endorsing Biden [17:10 | Mar 16 2024 | RBN]

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

RBN = Revolutionary Blackout Network


  • re-added yt link so thumbnail would load
  • error, fixed

Short Summary

  1. United Auto Workers president [Shawn Fain] reaffirms his support for President Biden following the State of the Union Address.
  2. In Michigan, there is a struggle to gain support from certain communities, leading to a focus on labor support.
  3. Despite initial reluctance, [Fain] explains that the UAW's endorsement of Biden was based on his actions and commitment to workers.
  4. [Fain] highlights the contrast between Biden's support for workers and Trump's blame on Auto Workers during the recession.
  5. The decision to endorse Biden was made after comparing both candidates based on facts and their support for working-class people.
  6. The video discusses the decision-making process within the United Auto Workers union regarding their endorsement of political candidates.
  7. There is a disconnect between the union's leadership endorsing Joe Biden while a majority of rank-and-file members support Donald Trump.
  8. The importance of focusing on facts and highlighting the distrust among working-class union members towards political leadership is emphasized.
  9. Washington's move to override a vote by railroad workers to reject a White House brokered contract is seen as a major assault on the democratic rights of the working class.
  10. The struggle of railroad workers highlights fundamental elements of Marxism and the class struggle.

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