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Revolutionary Blackout Network

  • We are living in the strangest of times


    >We are living in the strangest of times



    >50 cent plays famous song “Many Men” in honor of Donald Trump with a poster of his notorious “Get Rich or Die Trying” album with Trump’s face on his body

  • JD Vance, Trump’s VP pick, is Israel first America last. Israel wins once again. MAGA is a joke of a movement. They are subservient to Israel and sell out the American people DAILY


    >JD Vance, Trump’s VP pick, is Israel first America last

    >Israel wins once again

    >MAGA is a joke of a movement. They are subservient to Israel and sell out the American people DAILY




    >“AIPAC plays a crucial role in strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship, ensuring that our partnership remains strong and mutually beneficial.”

    >“Through its advocacy and educational efforts, AIPAC helps to foster a better understanding of the importance of the U.S.-Israel alliance among policymakers and the public.”

    >“AIPAC’s work is vital in ensuring that Israel continues to receive the support it needs to defend itself and maintain stability in a challenging region.”

    >“Organizations like AIPAC are important because they bring together Americans from different backgrounds to support a common goal: a strong and secure Israel.”

    >“AIPAC’s efforts to engage with lawmakers and the public on the significance of the U.S.-Israel relationship help to promote policies that are in the best interests of both nations.”

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