I had to google that too. The date range they gave would include a lot of pre-youtube stuff, so I assume they're either misattributing early internet videos to youtube, or they're young and this is their experience with millennials (and they just assume it came from youtube because it's always been around for them).
I think it's a combination of brain rot from the YTP plus getting fucked by an economy that basically put older millenials' transition to adulthood/independence on hold, resulting in some fuzzy recollection of 2007-2015 (or roughly thereabouts)
Or they’re saying people who were online during the early internet are the kind of people who enjoy obscure YTPs. I was sort of online from 2005-2008, but definitely online during the heyday of YTP which was the early 2010s.
You can tell this post was written by a Zoomer or very young millennial because most of us true millenials saw these vids on albinoblacksheep or similar. Before YouTube.