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Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 08 Jul 2023

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This post is in memory of Bot #001 who sadly blew away in the wind.


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  • Did some more voluteer work today. Public transport anxiety relieved. It was fine. Had a job interview straight after and I got it! I was lucky that I got my shit together when I did and started applying for jobs just to get into the habit. It's average pay and humble work which will pay the bills. The owner is great and at least it's award wage and she looks after her workers. Potentially will start working locally as well in time so would be able to walk to work. Mostly queer staff, lots of trans people apparently. Not sure how great that will be yet, but at least I won't face transphobia at work. It's going to be hard work and it won't do me any harm to do a job I can at least leave at work even if I spend the time looking at my watch. My only worry is that my back is starting to hurt but I spent a lot of time standing on hard floors this weekend. Being biologically female now means it will take longer to get work fit than in the past, but that's ok too. Start Wednesday so I have some time to do some stretching and get into my warm up routine. It's a fucking relief to not have to start spending too much of my savings.

    I had a very decent music career for a long time, but I've had issues with most of that time. It is run by mysoginistic cunts and when I stepped out of that and moved into nightclubs they were still run by mysgonistic cunts. My last employer was a total wolf in sheeps clothing. At least I have a real connection with my new boss. We worked for the same queer magazine in different cities over 20 years ago. Back when those jobs were very low pay and we did them for the community moreso than having a disposable income. Now I'm in recovery I also want to step away from the alcohol industry. It feels kinda inauthentic to be so adamant about being sober for life and then profiting from alcohol sales. At least at this point and to take sobriety seriously I can't step foot in a bar for a while.

    So this cat alarm and getting early nights have paid off. Thanks kitties. Couldn't have done this without you. Little miracles. They get extra playtime tomorrow. That'll do for today. Thx for reading