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Daily Discussion Thread:🫑Wed 27 Mar 2024


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  • 🌞 Months ago I started working really hard at disarming the trigger of hearing the accent/dialect of my father. 50 uurs later of watching dutch and flemish tv I can listen to what ever I want without any neg feelings ( mortal dread ) arising.

    So now I have started watching the movie philosophy of art channel I really wanted to and it's goed.

    It's so hard to disarm the ghosts in our heads but it's worth it. 🌞 I could have just thought to myself; I don't like this movie channel, I don't like this guy; that would have been easy. But I knew that was rubbish, I did like it and he was a smart nice guy worth listening to , so I made the effort. I also didn't want my father to succeed. How dare he mess me up like that. It's my life. :)

    ( I also watched all the movies talked about, most I had already seen ) so I at least had a reference point. 👍