What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.
Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.
How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?
"Ok guys, picture a future city where everything you need is in walking distance. You can walk to the grocery store instead of driving. There's a park in your neighbourhood so whenever the weather's good you can be outside with your feet in the grass in just a few minutes. If you want to go out to eat, there are restaurants a short walk away. It's a nice, safe community where your kids can even walk to school on their own. Got it? Ok, in that kind of city, what kinds of things would you need to find a short walk away?"
Of course if they had a supermarket within walking distance they could have all that anyway. In the UK & Europe you'll frequently see corner shops and small convenience stores akin to 7-Eleven in America. SPAR would be a common one but most supermarket chains have an "express" version of themselves for urban areas.
Weird. When I lived in the states, there were plenty of convenience stores that weren't attached to gas stations, and the people I knew talked about getting things "from the convenience store" even when they were getting it from the gas station, but I guess that could be a state thing or a regional thing, or even just a city-by-city thing. I take your point about the lawn mowers etc potentially needing gas though.
Yeah, but you can have those without being attached to a gas station. I guess if there wasn't a better option listed it makes sense, but it's like saying you want a shopping mall when what you actually want is a public bathroom — you don't need one to have the other.
How are running out of gas at home? I’ve never once in 30+ years run out of gas, and the only times I’ve even been close have been when I’m hours away from home.
This is a solution to a problem I’d bet almost no one has ever encountered.