it was a glaring reminder of why most Georgian’s resent Republicans in our state for inviting the nasty commies from California, the Hollywood elites, into our state by dishing out Hollywood tax credits.
I find it funny, yet not surprising, that MTG doesn't know how to use an apostrophe in the English language. Grammer is probably not her strong suit.
It was a glaring reminder of why most Georgian’s resent Republican's in our state for inviting the nasty commie's from California, the Hollywood elite's, into our state by dishing out Hollywood tax credits.
There, fixed it. Yeah it's wrong, but at least it's consistently wrong now.
It wa's a glaring reminder of why mo'st Georgian's re'sent Republican's in our 'state for inviting the na'sty commie's from California, the Hollywood elite's, into our 'state by di'shing out Hollywood tax credit's.