Literally the one reason I still use Reddit is because appending gives me actual results. Reddits' built-in search results are utter dog shit and you cant find anything. They'd just be shooting themselves in the foot for blocking Google
And that’s on a good day. Can you imagine how my spelling looks like in the morning before having coffee and/or when I’m standing in a train during the rush hour? It’s so far from human readable, that I’m inclined to call it a type of encryption.
ipados - name of a product, trademarked, spelled correctly
brave - normal English word, spelled correctly
yutube - missing the letter "o"
ads - normal English word, spelled correctly
adblock - name of a product, spelled correctly. Not an extension available for the browser in question as far as I can tell, but that's the kind of thing you find out when you google it
Search results have gone to shit since everyone and their mothers started doing this SEO-optimization bullcrap. Google obviously has no reason to fix this situation because it makes them more money when people spend more time looking for something. was one of the mitigators for this problem...
I'd gladly ditch search altogether and use ChatGPT + browsing support, but that's similarly dogshit because it's working off of SEO-optimized bullcrap results too.