Star Citizen’s long-running development has inched forward yet again, this time to Alpha 3.20 stage.
Over $600 Million Later, Star Citizen Is Now at the Alpha 3.20 Stage::Star Citizen’s long-running development has inched forward yet again, this time to Alpha 3.20 stage.
Should see 4.0 soon bringing some of the last big architecture needed for the full universe
This game is taking so long because they are leading the way in this field of technology. What they are building has substantial technological hurdles - not just basic game design
Yeah, for a space sim those spaceships are awfully expensive... considering you pay with actual money. I like my games to be fun, Not ever-expanding money sinks.
I see this mentioned from time to time, but my understanding is that all ships can technically be bought with in game currency, it just takes a long ass time to get them.
For the record, just because you can’t hop into the top tier ships, which inherently require multiple players actively assisting control, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.
Any way you play the game, you have a ship. Be it the lowest tier (like a sidewinder in Elite Dangerous) or the top of the line whatever-the-fuck.
It really sounds like some of y’all’r looking for a reason to shit on it, and I’ve never even played the damn game. Though I have admittedly looked into it before to see if it was comparable to Elite.
Nice try Chris. You can't puff up a substandard product without admitting you've done such a bad job at so many aspects of this scam that you've had to redo, like, all of it
Note: I do not blame you, you are raking in mucho bucks with no end in sight to the gravy train. Keep chugging!