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For those of use that found out we were autistic as adults, how did you find out? What caused you to consider that you were autistic? What confirmed it?


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  • Well it started with one of my friends noticing specific patterns of behaviour I had. I don't remember all of the things he noticed, but it caused me to look into it. When I was reading the symptoms off of medical sites, I felt like I was reading about myself. I was honestly shocked, and didn't know how to take it. As I reflected on many of my experiences growing up, it made sense of things which I hadn't found reasonable explanations for.

    It explained struggles I had socially, it explained my sensory sensitivities, it explained why I often felt depleted, and it brought light to things which I wasn't fully aware of.

    I asked my mother if she ever thought I was autistic, and she said she is pretty sure I am. One reason, was that when I was a kid, she couldn't ask me what I wanted to eat for breakfast. Rather, she had to ask, do you want toast? Then if I said no, she would present another option. Also, I got tested for learning disabilities when I was in school. I scored extremely low in some areas, and extremely high in other areas. They couldn't diagnose anything because I it gave me an average score.

    I'm now looking at getting diagnosed, but it is a demanding process. Dealing with waitlists, and checking prices between different professionals, is exhausting. I may decide not to get diagnosed, if it becomes too complicated. However, I was confident of being autistic, after my mother thought I was as well.

    • When I was reading the symptoms off of medical sites, I felt like I was reading about myself.

      Do you remember what site? I'm asking because I had read about autism and Aspergers in the DSM multiple times and it never clicked for me at all. I was completely oblivious. Truly, the only sign about me that I ever even remotely considered was that I really liked autistic people.

      Also, I got tested for learning disabilities when I was in school. I scored extremely low in some areas, and extremely high in other areas.

      Woah! I had a girlfriend that was a psychologist learning to give an IQ test, so she practiced on me. When she looked at my results, she said that my scores were indicative of ADHD, which we both knew I had, but I never realized how much ADHD was impacting my life until I got medicated for it. The struggle is real!

      I’m now looking at getting diagnosed, but it is a demanding process. Dealing with wait lists, and checking prices between different professionals, is exhausting. I may decide not to get diagnosed, if it becomes too complicated.

      Yes, that can be an overwhelming task, especially since the topic itself could be mentally draining. The way I found a quick autism assessment was to ask local autism organizations for a list of reputable evaluators. Then, I called around to like 10 of them. I found one that was actually pretty economic and saw me within a month. She charge $900 to conduct the ADOS-2 (autism), the ASRS (ADHD), a lengthy clinical interview, and had me collect a bunch of information from my past. Other places didn't even have space on their waiting lists and were charging anywhere from $1.5k up to $3k if I remember correctly. Maybe you could try that if you haven't already.