For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It's such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There's just that extra something in that movie
What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?
It's not like it's super good, or anything; but the characters are basically the same as my IRL friends and it's like hanging out with them whenever I watch it.
At this point, I'd even just be happy with more stoner flicks. What the hell happened to that genre? I feel like Grandma's Boy was the last great one. I suppose Pineapple Express and maybe even 30 Minutes or Less might count, but they aren't really the same. They're more "comedic action" than "stoner movies."
And maybe Wes Anderson stuff. They're not "stoner flicks," but his use of color is way more fun to look at while high ๐