Yes because pointing out other people exist is so damned horrid. Isn't it?
Always whining and sobbing that other people aren't exactly like you. Fearful of people that live differently.
For people who are supposedly worshipful of this 'Big Strong Tough Guy' you lot sure do love playing the fucking victim. So I'll tell you what I got told my whole fucking life by my stepdad when I fell out of step or wasn't in position because I couldn't see what was going on or was trying to mentally sort through everything.
Yes, when will the lowly rich white man have his time?? Always so disparaged and oppressed, so unfair, I hope you can finally get a fair shake at some point in the face of all the woke brown people and their "white knights" keeping you down.
Block, well, fine. Someone ask this fine person then whether they were born a billionaire or are naive enough to believe they can become one in the face of compounding returns. With grit and hard work and so on. All without stepping on other people, which they seem to be opposed to, just not willing to follow up on.