We thought things were bad before the experimental DoD teleporter accident that destroyed the bodies of Trump and Musk. Elonald Trusk and Donlon Mump rose from the ashes. Their greed multiplied. Their lust for power became insatiable, but nothing could trump their carnal, sensual desire for each other's bodies. [Ok, stopping here, I don't like where this is going.]
that's the thing about the current situation... truth tellers get censored while discourse gets flood with shite polarized takes and they feed each other's engagement.
In America freedom of speech to say anything you want except the truth about the owners then it is "call to violence", "socialist/communism", "antisemitism" , "class warefare" ect last is sure cute tho. why are you hitting yourself, slave?
Obama increased mass surveillance and US undercover operations significantly. Bush ultimately started it but Obama has a opportunity to stand on the side of freedom but didn't take it. Like all recent presidents he was focused on extending the power of the executive branch. The real answer is checks and balances.
The answer is a veto proof progressive Dem majority, not more 'checks and balances.'
After what trump is doing they still won't be able to get there because they are corporate bootlickers who don't resonate with working people anymore... at all.
Screaming "vote for my preference or else" every election is what got trump elected twice.
The First Past The Post (FPTP) voting system has squashed competition in our elections, resulting in both major political parties being filled with weak individuals. Our people are unrepresented by FPTP voting, thus the large non voter block. Things don't have to be this way.
States have control over their voting methods, meaning we don’t need to wait a federal miracle. We can change how we vote and make room for third parties without risking a spoiler effect.
Alaska has already taken this step. In fact, Alaska has recently held a referendum on whether to go switch from Ranked Choice Voting back to FPTP, and the referendum was rejected. Republicans were frustrated when Sarah Palin lost to a more moderate conservative under Ranked Choice Voting, but the people of Alaska made their choice—they don't want FPTP any more. Meanwhile, states controlled by Republicans are passing laws to safeguard FPTP.
So why are Democratic states continuing to use the voting system that Republicans favor? And why are Democrats turning down the potential for more votes from increased voter participation?