I hate those fucking cunts and couldn’t give a shit if they themselves die. But these kids, they are victims. And there will be more victims from those that these innocent kids infect.
I'm worried enough about my own kids, thanks to them, I don't have it in me toncarr about theirs. All I can hope for (in vain, i know) is that they learn from this that science is not evil, their religion and government are.
Those people were lied to by leaders they trusted. I don't think it's their fault, and it certainly isn't their childrens' fault
We have an advantage over them in that we happened to have been born into families or places or come under the influence of good people and found that vaccination is much safer than these diseases, but that's not to our credit, it's to the credit of those who helped us learn
We deserve credit where it's due. We all made a decision to do the bare minimum when told something by consulting either basic logic or the infinite library in our pockets. The only sympathy I have is for the kids. Any adult (including many people I love and care about) can go fuck themselves on this one.
They choose who they trust though. I'm sure MANY people in positions of trust and authority throughout their lives told them correct information. They actively chose not to trust those people, and instead trust people telling them the opposite. There has to be some level of fault and accountability at that point.