Holy shit can this whole thing be any more corny? Is this done by teenagers? Don’t get me wrong fuck Musk/reddit/etc. but what is even the outrage about this time?
Subreddits are being banned and important information being hindered from being seen. It may be corny to you but at least they're trying. What have you done?
I'm not sure if I share the exact same sentiment as @[email protected], but I honestly did have the thought of, "Who (or For Whom), does this format work for anymore?"
Like I get it, it's classical and all. A call back to a historic time where action was taken (just don't look into it too hard, you'll get disappointed if you learn outside the "Americuh" version). But, now it just feels a little ... disingenuous? Idk the exact word/feeling, maybe because it's been co-opted by so many bad actors or maybe that we're talking about social media websites.
I guess this format gives off a dude's "Love, Live, Laugh" version of righteousness, that even though the message may be correct, it just feels like a weird marketing technique.
OK I laughed at dudes version if live laugh love. 😂 Either way we're fucked I guess. I have my gun ready to act but I'm sure as hell not dying by myself.
I limited my internet time to just an hour or two a day and stopped caring about any of this worthless performative BS.
If there are causes you care about or actions you want to take to impact the world and make a difference, GOING THE FUCK OUTSIDE does so, so much more than this kind of roleplay teenage bullshit. Moving your worthless scrolling time from one website to another isn't going to bring the establishment to its knees. But going out and donating a box of socks and underwear to a community food bank will literally change someone's life.
edit: if these kinds of messages make you angry or feel called out, that's a sure, 100% accurate predictor that you're exactly who this message is directed at. For that matter, if you're reading the feelings and opinions of others (what social media is) then you're not living your own life and finding your own emotional states and this is why we're here. We're discarding our lives to live in both the rage and satisfaction of others. When was the last time you sought out other HUMANS to feel these things? How much have you worked to exercise whatever shriveled spark of free-will is left in there? Are you just surfing from stimulation to stimulation as your brain invents rationalizations for your lack of actual life and progress? GO OUT AND DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE, YOU SHOULDN'T BE SITTING IN FRONT OF YOUR MONITOR ANGRY YOU DENSE, TRAPPED MOTHERFUCKER.
You assume that because I'm discussing these things online that I don't take action. Not that it's any of your business but I'm going to a community cleanup tomorrow. I'll be bringing a chair and watching people pick up litter.
Quite possibly. There'd be no real way of knowing. But it does sound like young people trying to find an outlet and seeking change--as ineffectual as it may seem to jaded old timers.