Since 2015 I've been yelling at the clouds in warning but people have this keen knack for hallucinating their versions of reality and being willfully ignorant. Even, and especially, in times like these.
Below is a series of screenshots of a conversation from j6. I watched on pbs, knowing what would happen, telling people what would happen, yet still watching it happen and still people chose to be blind.
Your friend may be crazy, I don't know, but it seems pretty clear to me that he was not interested in having the discussion you forced on him. Discussion is a generous term too. You were link spamming and steamrolling them at every opportunity. People don't enjoy being spoken to that way.
The exchange I posted was pretty typical of the information we shared. Nothing out of the ordinary for us.
They were once one of my best friends.
So, it was all the things, all the time.
We would talk about everything. All the crazy ideas. All the debates and meandering philosophizing.
She used to be ... someone else.
We grew up together. Made music, art, protested the machine Seattle style. Then, she went all libertarian. Rugged individual and all that. With the inheritance that paid for her house. And the YouTube algorithms ate her alive.
And her open mind refused anything new that wasn't Jordan or Rorgan or Harris.
That exchange wasn't the end of our friendship.
It just got worse.
And 4 years after that I decided I can't talk to someone who can't be spoke with anymore and whose thoughts were essentially an echo of the tube.
You're welcome to your own interpretation of things. I'm no J6 sympathizer but I found OP to come off preachy and very condescending. If that's how you want people to view you then feel free to emulate this approach but I can promise you it's not an effective way to educate people. I don't think that's really the goal of communicating in this fashion though. That's just the rationalization certain types of people use to justify being a dick to others they view as beneath them in some way. You can be right and a dick at the same time as evidenced by your response to me here. There's nothing wrong with what you said from a logical perspective but you intentionally framed it the same way an asshole would. Whether or not being an asshole was your primary intent is largely irrelevant at that point.
Being rude to your friends and family is not going to stop the fascists either. Communication style matters. If you don't know that to be true then it's guaranteed you're not good at it.