The only thing that is weird is how many American adults exist in a state of arrested development and passively consume military industrial complex approved media that is actively harmful to your ability to think critically from a company who monopolizes your cultural stories and sells them back to you piecemeal on subscription enforced by a regime of intellectual property that makes no sense.
I can write whatever I want wherever I feel like lol, 😘🖕
Yea you can write what you feel like, but you have to accept that everybody else can too. And if other people are disagreeing with you you have to accept that. Beeing so butthurt to do this is kinda sad. Get a hobby.
Not sure why you keep writing me, I don't care what you think about anything. It is funny to me that you losers love your loser shit so much and you need to defend it on my throwaway lemmy comment I wrote while taking a dump. Delete your account and cancel your ISP.