Nope, I can't see this happening either, unless bides take over.
Toilet paper is actually rather effective, it is cheap, easily processed, effective enough at removing most of the crap, it does not require added water infrastructure (I would not clean my ass with grey water) and simple to teach new users
If you happened to touch shit with literally any part of your body other than your asshole, would you be happy with just wiping it with a piece of dry paper, or would you immediately go wash it?
I have no more questions...
Btw, don't even get me started if you have a hairy butt.
I think the main takeaway here is that you recognize washing is the appropriate thing to do, but are OK with a temporary wipe until your next shower. People are saying with a bidet you don't have to wait, you use wash each time.
I agree it's gone off the rails and I'm partly to blame. I just don't understand peoples reluctance to use bidets.
This is just my experience, but that experience includes travelling through some remote areas in less developed countries. Water to wash is usually the first upgrade on the tech tree- It's unlocked right after you dig a hole in the ground. Grinding xp to get plumbing will make life nicer, but to start with you just need to gather enough resources for a bucket.