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  • I was on ml and it was pretty chill for a non-tankie. Until a mod powertripped and ban me for insulting an homophobe. Some people like me join the instance without knowing of all this tankie thing. IMO, hexbear is far more toxic.

    • Hexbear has some users with strong Linux and tech knowledge. That's why I still haven't blocked the instance.

    • The only bans I saw on your account were for being needlessly hostile- and they look like they all were extremely short.

      Re: the homophobic comments, in your posts that got removed you were hostile for what looks to me like your misinterpreting a bad attempt at a bad joke (not even from .ml user, but .ee), though you didn't tell them to kys that time at least. You then went through the their profile responding to months old posts to try to continue things, again being needlessly hostile- if I had to venture a guess that was more of the reason for your ban 5 months ago. Plenty of other instances will also temp ban for behavior like that.

      and then 8 months ago you dropped this gem: CW self harm, transphobia


      The accusations of toxicity seem to be projection.

      • Every fucking time.

      • CW self harm, transphobia

        Why don't you show the context?

        The user bullied me for being gay. He's the one who went into my history and saw I was a gay dad. He reply to my comment about the fact that I love my daughter with the reply "You're gay". Then mods like you told me it was a "bad joke' remove my post and let the douche's post up.

        Now I'd like to see where I've been transphobe, , I have a trans person really close to me that would probably like to see that but it never happened.

        • part 2:

          CW self harm, transphobia

          Bullshit. Why don’t you show the context?

          Oh here's the context for the transphobic comment too:



          It was in this post about donald trump posting an image of Joe Biden tied up

          You opened up with this, which is pretty clearly trolling.

          Marcie responded with a similarly pointed comment that also got removed for being uncivil.

          thread view:

          Then you dropped your transphobic/kys comment in response to someone saying that Trump could get shot for treason but the democrats will never follow through. This is expressing frustration with liberals who talk a big game but when the chips are down take no action. Not sure what you were trying to accomplish other than being needlessly hostile.

          Worth noting all of this is in the public modlog, anyone can look it up

          • This is just "removed by mod" . I'm not transphobic no matter how hard you want it to be real. Oh, and I actually went to see Chapo in Montreal a couple years back, before I understood who these people are. They kept making joke about how french Canadians are stupid and inferior, to an audience of 90% unilingual white males. Absolutely pathetic, it's probably on youtube.

            • You asked for the context, click on the spoiler tag if you want to see the removed comment, here's another link

              I really don't see how taking a shot at hexbear as being '95% guys' is relevant, or anything other than being intentionally transphobic, but I look forward to your explanation.

              Also I don't care about shittalking chapo lol, pretty much every time I've listened to them (extremely infrequent occurrence) I've been annoyed by something.

              • OMG what? It's the sentence about hexbear being a bunch of dude that's suppose to be transphobic? I must be stupid because I failed to see how trans people are involved in this. I stand by what I've said, Hexbear is filled by a bunch privilege white guys that pretends to represent minorities they know nothing about. It's where all the chapo community migrated after being banned on reddit, so basically some bros of the socalled dirtbag left and tankies.

                • 4chan level bigotry, shocking.

                  Just editing this in to address the question, yes it is. That's just being transphobic. If they say they're trans they're trans. You do not get to dictate what someone else's gender is just because you disagree with their politics or because a podcast insulted French Canadians.

                  • If they say they’re trans they’re trans.

                    Who is supposed to be trans, Hexbear?? Did I miss something?

                    Oh, and I base my judgment on interaction with them, being despised by chapo was just anecdotal, I'm fine don't worry.

                    • You said it's 95% white dudes, and are doubling down in the face of evidence that it's clearly not. That's being incredibly dismissive of the trans people on there, and just makes it clear you want to be able to gatekeep other peoples genders whenever you have an axe to grind. For the sake of any trans people in your life I'd hope you do some introspection, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

                      • evidence that it’s clearly not

                        I'm sorry what evidence lol?

                        The hexbear community is build on the ashes of r/chapo, that's a fact. R/chapo was a bunch a white dudes playing revolutionaries and pretending to defend minorities they had no clues about, that's another fact.

                        Now, if some of the chapo bros recently became trans, or if some trans people decided to join their community, I'm more then happy for them, I couldn't care less. But I have to admit I'm pretty curious about how trans people can happily coexist with tankies who cheer for Putin (an anti-lgbtq+ dictator and murderer) and let Jeffrey Epstein's closest friend get elected because they wanted to "own the libs".

                        But I you case, I see you clearly belong with them. You people are not lefty, you need to assume your love of authoritarians and accept that you have more in common with the far-right then any other political movement. You use the same tactics: bullying, victimization and usurpation.

                        Also the trans person in my life has a message for you "Fuck off Diva, I don't need your advice and stop pretending to represent my community you douche". His words not mine, but I provided the translation.

                        Finally, I have a good one for you. How does hexbear users please themselves? They jerk their superiority complex, three feet above their heads. See, in the end something good came out of this discussion.

        • I agree that 'ironic' homophobia is still homophobia, and should be removed, just like 'ironic' misogyny and transphobia.


          his comment wasn't 'You're gay', but it was close

          A meme this could be seen as referencing is this

          you responded with this:

          Going into past threads to respond about an unrelated grievance would get you a temp ban in a lot of lemmies, regardless how valid.

          Here's the transphobic part of the post of yours - the same one in the post above


          Hexbear has done many surveys at this point of the gender of its users (most recent one linked here) As of this last one cis people are in the minority, I don't know why you would insert a comment like that if you weren't trying to be transphobic.

          • Lol. The joke about shooting "a superiority complex" (3 feet above your head) is encouraging self-harm? This the probably the most told joke about French people ever, it was invented by Belgium. I haven't met a single person from France that doesn't find really it funny, and I've met more then you ever will. Maybe it doesn't translate well, but it's definitely a joke, no ambiguity here. On the other hand a loser calling me "Gay" for loving my daughter it's clearly humor?? Fuck off lol. I've been bullied all my life, I've learned to stand up against this kind of "joke". Maybe I've overacted but I will always show my teeth when it involves my daughter and homophobia.

            I still haven't seen my so-called transphobic comment, why don't you just quote it?

            BTW, you're just confirming me that you .ml people are powertripping hardcore. I use to defend the instance but I will now gladly join the bashing. You people suck.

            • This the probably the most told joke about French people ever, it was invented by Belgium.

              I'm not familiar with it, and I doubt many other people reading it got that either. It's a little ironic that you're this bent out of shape when other people don't get your joke but at the same time can't give other people the same deference.

              I still think removing the homophobic comment -ironic or otherwise- was the right move, however you going into months-old threads to harass them about your current beef was also something begging for moderation.

              I still haven’t seen my so-called transphobic comment, why don’t you just quote it?

              I have, twice now, are you being intentionally obtuse? click on the spoiler tag if you want to see.

              • I'm genuinely shocked that people are upset with what you're saying. Even if people believe the "95% of you are guys" comment isn't transphobic and is just weirdly presumptuous, the rest is still pretty icky behavior.

                • It's the reflexive hostility liberals have towards anyone calling out someone complaining about Hexbear.

      • I've been a victim of stuff like that. It is straight up not cool and a asshole move.

        You are welcome to disagree with me and you can even hate me but at the end of the day harassment is not ok.