Am I a bad person if (as left as they come) I invest in American Private Prison contractors on the assumption that Trump will go through with his deportation scheme at least to some extent?
AsSuMIng GoVeNmEnT has done bad things. Sure buddy let me borrow your rose colored bullshit glasses.
I aSsUmIng you can read and are American not a great one either just a little scared white shirt corporate job slug. I don't remember any of the great American Boston boys going to jail for dumping tea into a harbor.
I never said I avoided taxes, for all you know I'm just an asshole heavily invested in the sweet private prison system dividends my gracious and wonderful government has provided for me Average Joe American.
Yes your tiny brain can't see how murdering innocent human lives is vastly more evil than making someone who killed their wife for the insurance money- create a wallet.
Your conveniently omitting the government who allows these concentration camps for him to profit off of, among the other "corporate Interest special actions"