I am starting the process to immigrate to Canada from the US. Maybe unsurprisingly I find I have no ideas where I would like to live. I do enjoy mountains, and don't want to be in the heart of a city.
I definitely require high speed internet access. Other than that, I could use some help!
EDIT: Mountains are not a deal breaker. Water would be nice, but sea level rise is a concern.
You aren't going to find mountains in any of the parts of Canada that you'll want to live in. BC is trending right, Alberta and Saskatchewan are the right (Alberta is the Texas of Canada), Ontario is a shit-show, and Quebec is... Well, how good is your French?
I'd suggest PEI or Nova Scotia and satellite internet.
Nova Scotia has some nice mountain ranges within driving distamce to areas with good internet. Particularly in cape Breton, though they are more right wing than the rest of ns.
But also has a left leaning government (for at least another three years, probably longer with our voting patterns) and low CoL. $120k CAD can be very comfortable here, even in Winnipeg.
Oops, sorry... That was an oversight; my mind skips over Manitoba when I'm thinking of the large, southern provinces.
I also didn't bring up the Northwest Territories, Nunavet, Yukon, New Brunswick, or Newfoundland and Labrador. If they like mountains, NT and Yukon might both work, although getting any kind of supplies in will likely be difficult.