America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world: ‘There are going to be countries of old people starving to death’
Elon Musk (father of 11) admires them. Thousands follow their ideology. Malcolm and Simone Collins are on a mission to persuade everyone to have multiple children. But are they really model parents?

The highlight for me is coming up with some weird pseudoscience justification for why it’s okay to hit your kids.
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Malcolm and Simone Collins with their children – Octavian George, four, Torsten Savage, two, and Titan Invictus, one – at home in Pennsylvania.
Guardian failed the “don't promote these specific cunts for 14 months challenge”
Perhaps the NRx-curiosity is a natural consequence of the Guardian’s “gender-critical” editorial stance? Look at all the other TERFs jumping into bed with actual masks-off Nazis.
My vibe is that the Guardian UK still thinks it's a left wing feminist stance to be transphobic 1, and unrelatedly, the Collins articles keep getting printed because everyone involved --- the Collinses, their PR people, the Guardian -- know perfectly well what ragebait is. A click is a click.
1: Somehow. What the hell is in the water in the UK? 2
they definitely missed out on naming two of the daughers ursa minor maior and ursa maior minor.
Their next kid will be named Ultima Thule, and they will claim very loudly that this is just because they are so big fans of astrology and that they never heard of the controversy regarding the name.
Ultima Thule was a Swedish white nationalist band back in the day.
Ow yeah I'm joking here. But it was really weird that they tried to name the asteroid Ultima Thule (and it is also odd that this controversy isn't on the wikipage).
@gerikson The name predates the white nationalist band by *several centuries*. Per wiki: "In classical and medieval literature, ultima Thule (Latin "farthest Thule") acquired a metaphorical meaning of any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world"."
I suspect they renamed the KBO Arrokoth precisely to avoid the unfortunate recent connotations of the name.
Oh I am aware of the term's history[1], but just like the humble swastika some stuff can become tainted (although I believe that Ultima Thule the band is only locally infamous here in Sweden). I do know that if someone presented themselves as Ultima Thule I'd do a spit-take, but so would I if I was presented by someone named Titan Invictus.
Arrokoth is a fucking metal name tho.
[1] pretty sure the first I heard of it was in one of Evan S Connell's great collection of essays.
In the spirit of denying the regular suspects any unearned cultural territory...
This discussion reminded me of a story that Margaret Killjoy at Cool Zone Media released last year about the residents of Valhalla doing some anti-fascist work. Alas, I couldn't find a transcript.
Nazis Don't Go To Valhalla
and here i just assumed the name was original to ffxiv
Titan Invictus ... Are they playing Star Citizen?
they're nazis, bob
Is it me or are the names getting weirder as they go along?
perhaps they named the child after this fucking gobshite?