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zyanklee Zyan K. Lee
Posts 4
Comments 3
local organization - how do you do it?
  • Would there be a need for a shared platform that WCS communities around the world can use to organize, meet and converse?

  • local organization - how do you do it?

    How are your local #WCS groups organized outside of big events and regular dance school lessons?

    Do you have regulars' meetings at pubs or restaurants? #WestCoastSwing training dances? Do you meet outside to dance in city plazas?

    Are you connected online? Telegram/Signal/WhatsApp/Facebook groups or similar for example?

    Yep, it's always the logo
  • I'm vehemently opposing the objectification and sexualization of logos.

  • Welcome

    Welcome to the biggest and oldest West Coast Swing community in the fediverse (from what I could find it is the only one 😉 ). We are glad you found your way here.

    Please make yourself at home - as long as you respect the rules in the community bio.

    Tell us a little about yourself - where are you from, how long do you dance and which move is your favorite?


    Playing CoC on FoundryVTT

    I really like FoundryVTT - a lot more than Roll20 - but the existing modules for CoC seem to fall a little short. I can see that it is a licensing issue to create content containing official rules, descriptions and scenarios.

    What I would like to see, though, is for example items (weapons, items, vehicles, etc) that are not from the official sources but community-made.

    Do you know of any sources for these?


    Welcome to CallOfCthulhu

    Though this might be a little early, as fediverse seems to be in its early growth days, let's start a friendly and inviting community around our favourite TTRPG setting.

    Please feel free to participate and help me with filling this empty bucket with a lot of nice content.

    Kulinarische Highlights in Stuttgart
  • Wir waren heute mal wieder im Vegalena in S-West (an der Schwabstraße zwischen S-Bahnhaltestelle und Schwabtunnel). Sehr geniales Essen.