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zgou Zgou 🔥

Intéressé par les projets FOSS, l'offsec, l'actu et plein d'autres trucs

J'essaie de booster les postes que je trouve intéressant. C'est comme ça que \notre\ algo fonctionne après tout :)

Je réponds parfois à des questions techniques d'informatique que je vois passer

Je suis sur ma seconde instance. Arrivé en 2017 sur masto

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Comments 1
This morning a customer told me that the new Samsung Galaxy S25 (and probably also the previous ones – but I hadn't noticed this on my S24) run, by default, a background service called "Meta
  • @[email protected] They are doing this for years. I had a Samsung for work years ago, you can disable the app with adb. But they eventually reactive it, and install other crapware, so you may need to also disable the app they are using to install other stuff.

    I dont know if another vendor does it. Samsung is probably the worst of them