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zalack zalack
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r/gaming public again for community input
  • Did they nuke the comments? I don't see any replies.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • Also, while it's easy to reduce humanity down to numbers at the scale of a war, to the people finally getting to rejoin their country today -- this is the victory that matters. The one they will remember most clearly after the war is over. To us on the outside it might seem small, but to those people it's their entire world.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • I guarantee you it means something to the residents of those six houses.

    It's easy to lose track of individual humanity at the scale of a war, but this victory is the one these people will always most remember when they think of the tide turning. Their lives are worth something.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • Your head is so far up your own propaganda I can't even tell what you're trying to say here.

  • Anyone contributing to Lemmy's code development
  • I honestly had a blast learning Rust. Haven't gotten a chance to do much with the language but it definitely shifted the way I think about coding in general.

  • [Done] Server will be migrated (More power!)
  • Is there any way to migrate an account? I signed up to since it was the first one in the list and I didn't really understand the model initially.

  • They are trying to artificially inflate the activity
  • ... Reddit has followers? I've been on that site for 11 years and legitimately had no idea.

  • Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC
  • The mechanics overhaul looks like it's going to be a free update for the base game, with the new story content and possibly the new 'relic' skill tree being the paid DLC.

    They've said for sure that the base game is getting a significant update, but I don't think they've released an itemized list of what is going where yet. IMO I think it's safe to assume that the features REPLACING existing features like the new skill trees, cyberware system, etc. will all be free.

    But stuff like vehicle combat might go either direction.

  • Is this still available?
  • This has strong KenM energy

  • Reddits is poor 😢
  • Alright I'm going to go out on a limb and say that /r/WatchPeopleDie shouldn't be lumped in with that other human trash.

    Every month or so I would get morbidly curious and scroll that sub for ten or fifteen minutes. Firstly, the comments and posts never seemed... I don't know I have the right word... sociopathic? gleeful? cruel?

    The tone of the whole sub was much more somber. I always came away from that sub with a stark reminder that we are so so fragile, and our future can get snuffed out by the universe -- sheer random chance -- at any moment.

    To me it was a reminder to live more in the present. Don't take tomorrow for granted, and I saw a lot of the sort of thing in the comments.

    A lot of the videos were just random shit, like pedestrians getting hit stuck by a rogue tire flung from a car crash 500 feet away. Just totally senseless and sad... but in a way that helps put what's important in perspective.

  • What are you guys doing when there's multiple communities for the same thing across instances?
  • To me the trick isn't consuming similar communities, but cross pollinating to them. Like if you want to comment on a new game trailer do you copy and paste the same thing into ten threads?

  • r/unexpected goes dark
  • Just a nit: Given the context of the rest of your post, I think you mean "glass half empty".

    "I see the glass half full" means optimistic, while "I see the glass glad empty" means pessimistic. The idiom is about what a person chooses to focus on in a less-than-ideal situation: what's missing, or what's still there?

    (Not saying you don't know that, just explaining for anyone who isn't familiar with the idiom)

  • someone is working on a reddit api compatibility shim so reddit apps could connect to Lemmy without redesigning their apps
  • God I hope so. No knock against the developers, because it's a young app and they are improving it almost every day, but Jerboa is really hard to use coming from Relay.

    u/DBrady just has excellent UX/UI design sense.

  • someone is working on a reddit api compatibility shim so reddit apps could connect to Lemmy without redesigning their apps
  • What would the huddles be for normal, non-mod users? Once you sign up for an instance, isn't serving content from all and letting users subscribe to communities pretty much the same flow? I don't see why the fact that these "subs" are on different servers couldn't be transparent to the client.

    The client I use -- Relay -- doesn't even have a sign up flow, and I suspect could transparently serve Lemmy content with a good translation API.

  • Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC
  • The game is pretty stable at this point. I personally loved it, but it helps to set your expectations. It's a story-driven game with diamond-style story branching ala the Witcher 3, with a heavy focus on narrative. The world is an awesome backdrop, but it is more backdrop than simulation. It's not GTA.

    Given how massive this overhaul looks, I would honestly wait for the 2.0 patch. It looks like it's going to address a lot of the shortcomings of the mechanics.

  • Cyberpunk’s expansion totally overhauls the original game | VGC
  • They're doing a big tour across a bunch of countries to show the game off to the public soon, so we won't have to take their word for long.

    My guess is that are doing it specifically because they know there is very little trust. I think it's probably a good sign for the state of the expansion as well.

  • Starfield Official Gameplay Trailer
  • I've never had a bad experience on release with any of the Bethesda games I've played. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.

    I didn't play 76, and like -- fair game.

    But for the games I've played it's never been more than visual / physics bugs, or script events not triggering and doing a quick load to fix it.

    Most importantly, I've always had a blast, even with the rough edges. As long as it seems like the devs gave it an honest go, are fixing bugs the players trigger, and the company didn't lie about the state of the game, it's just a much better experience to have a little grace around the launch of an ambitious game.

  • Reddit announced new ad features on Friday
  • People forget that there is a huge bias in online engagement towards whoever is unhappy with a thing. You see it in gaming subs all the time. People who like the game tend to... play the game, while people who have a bone to pick are the ones who put it down and vent their frustrations online.

    Even if 80% of the comments about a game are negative, that 80% might all come from 15% of the player base who dislike it.

    I fear the same thing is happening with Reddit. It's a very engaged 5% that's making up 90% of the comments. I really hope I'm either wrong about that, or the without they very engaged 5%, the rate and/or quality of the content drops enough that it starts impacting engagement levels of casual users who aren't as invested.

  • Jerboa UI improvements v2
  • Relay also has excellent UI. I tried pretty much every Reddit app available on Android and kept coming back to Relay.