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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 1
Comments 190
Apparently saying accept your father for who they are is victim blaming
  • Gotta go with YDI here. This was posted in a mental health community which has this rule:

    All posts and comments must be helpful and supportive. Do not put vulnerable people at risk.

    OP was venting about their abusive parents and the mental health problems they struggle with because of that abuse. You were not helping OP. OP's story resonated with me and I absolutely would not want to read your comment if I were them, I would be pretty offended by it.

  • Extreme heat can age you as fast as a smoking habit.
  • "People living in places where temperatures are at or above 90 degrees F for half of the year have experienced up to 14 months more biological aging compared to people living in areas with fewer than 10 days of temperatures at or above 90 degrees."

    Damn, I've had heat exhaustion and heat rashes but never heat stroke. I had problems every year until I got an a/c. There goes 14 months of aging.

  • 'These kids do not care about romance': Game devs want to know what today's teens want, and surveys say sex and romance isn't it
  • I've played so many it is hard to have a favorite. I like when different games try to incorporate romance, but I still prefer visual novels. I have played so many where you are a guy romancing women (these usually are bad quality and an excuse to see sex, I am fine with sex but at least emphasize the romance) but have been getting into otome games where you are a woman romancing guys. There are still bad tropes in some of these games, like noncon (I only do consensual). There are also queer games like Dream Daddy I enjoyed.

    For non-VN I would say I liked Bioware's games, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon games, Story of Seasons games, Rune Factory games, Persona games, Divinity Original Sin 2, Baldurs Gate 3 (haven't beaten yet, seems promising), Cyberpunk 2077 (Judy), Life is Strange, and Obsidian/Bethesda (sorta).

  • Adding two new admins and introducing radical recalls
  • Ahoy ye maties! I be one o' the new admins 'n am happy t' be on the crew! 🏴‍☠️

    A little about me: I've been pirating since I was a teenager and gravitated towards this instance because of it, I am a FOSS and privacy enthusiast, and since joining lemmy I have become ✨radicalized✨. I'm a bi cis woman and my pronouns are she/her on the internet, nobody knows you're a woman. I have 2 senior dogs I love very much. I like anime, art, and video games. I also ate too much imposter chik'n and am now going to pass out.

    Flying-spaghetti-monster-speed o7

  • not like us
  • I just read this on, what a rollercoaster ride! You can read the admin update here, it looks like they will keep their domain since the auction was cancelled🤞

    Admin response

    you do not need to do anything

    i am so sorry for the confusion, honestly the whole situation is confusing.

    Years ago when we changed to an admin bought the domain name from a domain registrar.

    That admin had things come up and wasn't able to be as active or available.

    A small issue with paying for the domain name for the year 2025 happened and the payment was 1 day late.

    The domain registrar (digital landlord) took the payment and also put the domain "" up for auction pointing to policy that says if you are late on payment they can auction your domain name.

    The admin who owns the domain escalated the issue to the top level up support for the domain registrar. During that time we tried a technical route for moving the domain name to a new registrar, which we did not expect to work. The technical route had a 5 day delay on finding out if it worked or not, during that time is when we set up the vote for what name the community would want in the event we lost

    At this moment we still do not know if we have it or not so we are continuing with moving towards but think that we might have mitigated the worst case scenario with a malicious person getting the domain through the aforementioned technical route.

    We are currently working on an updated post to give all the info we have at this time.

    j_s bidder mystery possibly solved

    Glad it's resolved: If anyone is curious on the behind-the-scenes the j_s bidder was planning to return the domain but maybe not in the best way. They found a bug in Sav's site that allowed them to bid without authorizations being placed, and on another account they managed to "win an auction" for low dollar value domain AND transferred it out somehow. Maybe they noticed, might be why their auction interface was in maintenance mode immediately as this was going on (archive from 19 Feb 2025 10:26:35 UTC ).

  • Should be a national holiday
  • Hawaiian perspective:

    Capt. James Cook of the British Royal Navy set up a blockade at Kealakekua Bay after the theft of one of his boats. To prove his point, he tries to take hostage the high chief Kalaniʻōpuʻu.

    Confusion ensues and a chief is shot by Cook's men for not obeying the blockade.

    And in this one tense moment, the chiefs are not having it, they’re not going to let Kalaniʻōpuʻu take another step forward and anybody who tries to move him is going to get it. And that’s when Cook is killed," she continued.

    Abad said this was a symbolic moment for Native Hawaiians. Cook's arrival brought with it infectious diseases that devastated the Native Hawaiian population.

    "There’s a growing sense that we can no longer tolerate the big and small incursions upon our land and our people and our culture and our language," Abad said. "And James Cook represents some of the worst of what has happened."

    She said when Cook's continued behavior ended that day, it was a relief to Native Hawaiians. "It’s something in some areas that might even be a source of pride."

    I found another perspective that I could not confirm if it is Hawaiian and looks kinda sus but it says:

    The Hawaiians, accustomed to visitors leaving their shores after a short stay, began to see the prolonged presence of Cook and his men as a violation of their norms and hospitality.

    The situation deteriorated when Cook’s ships returned to Hawaii for repairs after initially leaving, breaking the cultural protocol of the Makahiki season. This unexpected return was seen as an ill omen by the Hawaiians.

    In an attempt to regain control, Cook planned to take Kalaniʻōpuʻu, the high chief of Hawaii, hostage. This act was a grave miscalculation, deeply offending the Hawaiians and challenging their sovereignty. The resulting confrontation, fueled by cultural misunderstandings and the Hawaiians’ defense of their dignity and leadership, led to Cook’s death. From the Hawaiian viewpoint, this was not a mere act of violence but a defense of their land, culture, and leaders against what they perceived as an overstepping of boundaries by the foreigners.

    For Hawaiians, the death of Cook marked a significant moment in their history, signifying the complexities of early encounters with Europeans. It underscores the impact of foreign intrusion on indigenous cultures and the inevitable clash when cultural norms and values are misunderstood or disregarded. Cook’s death, from the Hawaiian perspective, is a story of resistance against foreign dominance and a poignant reminder of the need for mutual respect in cross-cultural interactions.

  • Should be a national holiday
  • I've heard the story told a few different ways. The basics I remember were Cook came during a time of peace, left, encountered a storm, came back, but now it was a time of war which led to him being killed. Wikipedia has some more specifics pointing that Cook probably brought it on himself:

    Cook and his crew were initially welcomed and treated with honour,[7] as his arrival coincided with the Makahiki season,[8] an ancient New Year festival in honour of the god Lono of the Hawaiian religion, and a celebration of the yearly harvest.[9]

    It is not known for sure if Cook was considered a god (Lono) or not. They may have thought he was Lono due to some coincidental details or they may have just nicknamed him Lono for other reasons.

    However, after Cook and the crews of both ships, HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery, left the islands, the festival season had ended and the season for battle and war had begun under the worship and rituals for Kūkaʻilimoku, the god of war.[11] Although Cook's sequential visits may have coincided with native traditional seasons, the natives had soured on Cook and his men by the time of Cook's initial departure.

    During Cook's initial visit, he attempted to barter with the Hawaiians and ordered his men to remove the wood used to border the natives' sacred "Morai" burial ground, used for high-ranking individuals and depictions of their gods. Ledyard says in his journals that Cook offered some iron hatchets for the wooden border around the Morai and when the dismayed and insulted chiefs refused, Cook proceeded to give orders to ascend the Morai, chop down the fence and load the boats with the wood.[13] John Ledyard also tells of an episode where Captain Charles Clerke accused a native chieftain of stealing the Resolution's jolly boat. However, the boat was soon found and the native chief was incensed by the accusation.

    On 6 February Cook's ships left Kealakekua Bay. They were soon met with an unexpected hard gale which wrenched the mainmast of the Resolution. On 11 February, the Resolution returned again to Kealakekua Bay to make repairs.

    While the Resolution was anchored in Kealakekua Bay, one of its two longboats was stolen from the ship by the Hawaiians,[15] testing the foreigners' reaction to see how far they could go with such a significant loss. The Hawaiians had begun openly stealing from the foreigners. To try to obtain the return of the stolen longboat from the Hawaiians, Cook attempted to kidnap the aliʻi nui of the island of Hawaii, Kalaniʻōpuʻu.

    The ruler did not know he was being abducted (he thought he was being invited onboard their ship) but once he realized it, he stopped cooperating and soon Cook and his men were surrounded by thousands of natives.

    [High Chief] Kanaʻina angrily approached Cook, who reacted by striking the chief with the broad (flat) side of his sword. Kanaʻina jumped at Cook and grabbed him. Some accounts state that Kanaʻina did not intend to hit Cook while other descriptions say the chief deliberately struck the navigator across the head with his leiomano [shark-toothed club].[30] Either way, Kanaʻina pushed Cook, who fell to the sand. As Cook attempted to get up, Nuaa [the king's personal attendant] lunged at him and fatally stabbed him in the chest with a metal dagger, obtained by trade from Cook's ship during the same visit. Cook fell with his face in the water.[12] This caused a violent, close-quarters melee between the Hawaiians and Cook's men.[31]

  • I have seen myself mentioned a few times out of the blue and I have a few things to say/ask
  • I looked at the user you linked but they do not sound how I was describing. The question they asked was confusing but it was not a rambling nightmare. Look at these two links: (this is your post in c/PTB) (this is what you linked to as your perspective)

    The above is definitely you (long walls of text, incoherent at times, my brain feels like it is melting, I do not understand your point, etc.). I knew this post was pretty much you because it sounds just like the links I linked to above. That's why I thought you were all the same person. I finally read your perspective on tumblr and it confirmed that this is a terminally online, possibly the dumbest drama I've read and I do not want to talk about it anymore.

  • I have seen myself mentioned a few times out of the blue and I have a few things to say/ask
  • Alright so whoever wrote "commission" used the wrong word. I can't tell which parts were written by which person and that is a problem. You are doomed to repeat this drama until you all stop. IMO, you should especially fire whoever keeps writing posts like this from your writing group, it is written incredibly badly and uniquely identifies them.

    Your analogy does not apply to this situation at all because this is an online anonymous discussion. If I were a mod and banned one of you for breaking a rule, I would ban the other because you all sound exactly the same and that is a red flag for ban evasion. There are no quotes used or any indicator that the account holder did not write the content. Lemmy does not have a ban evasion system the way reddit has, the two different instance admins can share with one another IP addresses and email addresses. This can be easily overcome. Whereas reddit invasively fingerprints you and even that can be side stepped.

    There is no smoking gun for your side, this drama is so dumb and terminally online. I suggest if you want to quote one another, do it properly. I think that would clear up the misunderstanding. Or you are all trolls. Who knows.

  • I have seen myself mentioned a few times out of the blue and I have a few things to say/ask
  • If I sound like her, it's because we commission messages and parts of messages stuff for each other

    So you, Leni, shinigami, and who knows who else at this point all sound the same because you pay each other to write messages for one another? I admit you all sound the same and I thought you all were the same person: you write long walls of text, you put a bunch of random links in your messages (leading from tumblr to YouTube to deviant art, etc.), and I always feel like my brain is melting when I read your messages.

    Did it occur to you that if all of you are writing messages for and with each other on a regular basis on your lemmy accounts to the point people can't tell the difference, that you all are alts then? All 3 or more of you share these accounts like alts. All of you should stop doing that, all you've accomplished is confusion and misleading people into thinking you are trolls. Especially when you drag in Blaze, Cheese Greater, and Drag into this to create more drama? Either you are one singular troll, one person in a system, or separate individuals that are very misguided, possible trolls. This is dumb drama.

  • is on sale for auction
  • I've blocked a bunch of instances via Summit and never had a problem. I've blocked non-english and NSFW/porn instances. You could try posting in the community [email protected]. It's been working for be since before lemmy made blocking instances an actual feature.

  • I didn’t know I was pregnant before my stillbirth. Prosecutors still charged me with a crime.
  • Stuff like this makes me too scared to become pregnant willingly. I've been thinking about having a child for a while now, abortion is safe in my state for now but who knows when that will stop because of Trump. If abortion gets completely banned I refuse to get pregnant, it simply won't be safe.

  • Open Lemmy links in current instance, not forced to switch instances

    I love the app so far but I am having trouble with opening Lemmy links from other instances. When someone links to say a post, I am hit with a window saying I have to have a account in order to vote and such. This is incredibly inconvenient, I don't know how voyager does it but voyager just lets me view the post and vote/etc. in my instance without forcing me to change accounts. Anyway to get rid of this behavior so it is more like voyager? I want other Lemmy links to be opened in my instance so I can vote and such.

    Also unrelated but just now I was unable to upload a picture from summit and had to switch apps to upload the photo.
