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xNekoyaki xNekoyaki
Posts 1
Comments 38
Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • Canceled Netflix because they finally kicked my friends off, might get it again for 1 month at a time, here and there. I get Disney for a few months for my brother's bday, we catch up on whatever came out in the past year. My mom shares her Peacock with me. I got a year sub to Dropout, and share it with 2-3 friends. We stay subbed to Hulu and HBO pretty much all the time, and we get Paramount a couple months a year. We have Prime, but I'm probably going to cancel it soon.

  • What is a well known 'public secret' in the industry you work in that the majority of outsiders are unaware of?
  • Same here! Our whole kitchen had at least 2 sets of owners worth of grease and grime coating everything. The people before us only owned the house for a couple years, but I don't think they cleaned the place even once. We spent the first day of homeownership scrubbing all the nooks and crannies of just the kitchen. The outsides and tops of the cabinets are still a bit sticky, but we're hoping to replace them soon. One of the burners on the stove was absolutely encrusted with burned stuff, the bottom of the fridge drawer had tons of dust and crud, and the walls were covered in handprints, food splatters, and misc. grime. Bleh!

  • [POLL] Do you use/require a headphone jack on your phone?
  • I use bluetooth earbuds for work - I used wired buds up until this job, but I ended up constantly ripping them out of my ear by accident, UUUUGGGGHHHHHH. But I would still be using wired if I could. My husband also uses wireless earbuds at work, but needs a headphone jack to play music through his ancient work truck. He had an adapter while he had a phone w/o a jack, but then he couldn't charge his phone while listening to music. I know there are splitters out there, but we didn't end up buying one, and he just replaced his phone with a new one that includes a headphone jack.

  • What do you do with all the free time you got once you stopped using reddit?
  • Reading more books during breaks at work! It's easier to focus on reading books when I don't have reddit on my phone. I like Lemmy, but I mostly use it for 15min at a time. Since I joined Lemmy/stopped using reddit mobile, I've read 5 books! :)

  • Today was not that day.
  • Thrift stores, basically. I worked in various thrift stores for 5 years and mostly furnished my home that way. Just be thorough when you're inspecting it before you buy it! Check for bugs, broken/missing pieces, wiggly legs, cosmetic damage. We've gotten some really cool stuff in great condition for actually reasonable prices. My favorite is an ancient La-Z-Boy for $12, in decent shape.

    If there's a Re-Store near you, they're great too! We got an adorable coffee hutch for $65, a decent couch for $80, a couple nightstands for $10-20 each, a solid, heavy duty coffee table for $30. It requires patience to find what you might be looking for, and it helps if you already know which thrift stores tend to get better quality items. Antique stores are worth a shot too, if you're ok with spending on the upper end of cheap? You can get some really well built, old, beautiful furniture. Or see if there's a furniture consignment store around you!

    I think things like IKEA or Target are fine too, as long as you take care of your furniture. I've never had any problems with anything from IKEA, even when I buy used, but it probably helps I don't have kids, lol.

  • Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?
  • I still use reddit for specific communities, but only on desktop. I wasn't intending to 100% quit reddit anyway though, just to primarily use Lemmy (or whatever alternative I liked best, which is Lemmy so far)

  • Gamers. What was the game that got you into the hobby?
  • Pokémon Gold, when I was 8, got it for Christmas. Technically my first game was Battleship, which I opened first, but I probably spent thousands of hours playing Pokémon Gold. :) I've played almost every Pokémon game since, up until Scarlet/Violet, which I haven't gotten yet, but maybe I will eventually.

  • do you use e-inc tablets?
  • I have a few Kindles - got the first couple from a thrift store, then I upgraded to a Paperwhite. I like them! I don't usually have time to go to the library and get paper books, so it's really convenient for library books, almost everything I've looked for has been on Libby. I do still buy paper books, I love paper books, but I think I prefer reading on Kindle (or my phone) because I can change the font, and it's super light, fits in all of my bags. I also have problems with my hands sometimes, and holding a kindle is easier on them than holding a book. Lately I've just been reading on my phone though lol.

  • What is the worst customer service experience you've ever had?
  • I had a similar situation recently (switched from Comcast because we got Fiber). I knew calling would be a disaster, so i tried canceling online. They said it'd take a few business days for them to contact me to process my request. 2 weeks later, no reply, which I wasn't really surprised about, I just submitted a new request. Another 2 weeks, no response, so I Tweeted at them and finally got my service canceled, and a refund on the month of service I hadn't used. Guess who called me a week later! Lol. I asked the caller, "is this about my request to cancel service from 1 month ago? Ok, I actually completed that with a rep via Twitter last week." He seemed confused, but it seems like everything canceled, and they received my equipment, I'm not being billed, so yay I guess!

  • What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • They got rid of my whole team to get rid of me? Lol, I don't think so. The job was mortgage related, and the work volume tanked in 2022, after blowing up in 2020. I was just a barely above minimum wage minion, with no team members under me. I honestly think that along with there not being enough work for all of us, they wanted to eliminate WFH teams.

  • What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • Yup. At my last job, I did my best to produce quality work, I got an award for making zero errors in a year, and I was one of the go-to people for new employees to ask for advice. I trained new team members, even while I was still a temp myself. Eventually got told that I was joining the team that dealt with all the escalation emails. I only knew how to work on 2 of the many types of products that went into that folder, but it was mandatory to work every single email that went into that box, 2 hour shift, every email had to be answered by the end of the 2hrs. I also only had a single 30min super quick "training" on how to even answer the emails (really complicated template system, which I still did not understand by the end of it)

    I told my manager I wasn't comfortable working in that box, considering they never trained me to work on most of the other products, but she ignored me and said I'd figure it out. Luckily, I only had to do it once, then they delayed my actual start date for that task, until I got laid off (along with most of the rest of my team) 3 months later. YAAAAAAY. :|

  • Bookworms of Lemmy, what are you currently reading?
  • Reading Stalking Darkness, by Lynn Flewelling. 2nd book of the Nightrunner series. Up next is the rest of the series! :P This is my 2nd read through. After that, I'm planning to re-reading a few Mercedes Lackey books before finally reading the newest one. Might just hop into the newest one if I get impatient though.

  • How many of you are using alchemy?
  • My husband has been the alchemist of our party! I just chuck all my ingredients at him before a long rest, and then I hear an "Ooooh, I think you'll like this one!" and he sends me whatever he's just brewed up. He uses potions on his characters all the time, I forget about them a lot, haha.

  • Update from Sven on upcoming patches/hotfixes
  • I'm too much of a hoarder, at least during my first playthrough lol, I have been expanding it as far as it'll go, but I'd love if it could be expanded further. I think next run, I won't keep as much crap (so many books! Haha) but we'll see.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I mostly just upvote, usually posts I find really entertaining, helpful, or that I agree with strongly. If I downvote, it's because I found a post needlessly aggressive, rude, like it didn't contribute to the conversation, like the poster was trying to start drama, or spreading misinformation, stuff like that.

  • What builds has everyone been using so far? Which are the most fun?
  • I think they did too! We got really lucky, Zhalk killed the mindflayer, and his reinforcements showed up, so we were running towards the control panel. We were about to give up, had one character camped at the panel, and ranged characters trying to snipe him, we got the last hit on our absolute last chance, I grabbed the sword and my husband had his character hit the button, we turned to each other IRL and high-fived, haha. It felt very cinematic! 😂

  • What meal could you have forever?
  • English muffin, extra toasted, with jalapeño cream cheese and Cholula. 😍 I had it for breakfast for about a year straight while I was working from home, still love it. The cream cheese has to be Philadelphia, I tried the store brands from my local grocery stores, and it's just not the same. If Philadelphia isn't available, plain cream cheese is fine. On the weekend, I'll add a sunny-side-up egg and bacon or ham! Yummmm

  • What builds has everyone been using so far? Which are the most fun?
  • I'm playing a barbarian tiefling, trying to decide if I want to multiclass a couple levels into druid as well. I went for the tiger heart, it's been decent so far. Managed to kill the commander on the nautiloid, I've been using his sword for the whole game so far. I also have Astarion, kept him an arcane trickster. My husband is playing a dragonborn sorcerer, and he made Shadowheart into a war cleric, which has been very helpful!

  • The type of ads are really frustrating
  • Nice!!! :) I got it! I'm playing a barbarian tiefling, and had to make friends with Scratch! Such a good boy!

  • The type of ads are really frustrating
  • I'm not a heavy lemmy user yet (been busy playing Baldur's Gate 3, woo!) but I've had Sync for Lemmy since the day it released, it's up to date, and I have not seen a single ad yet. I'm using a Oneplus Nord N20, and I don't have any adblockers installed, except the add-on in my Firefox app. Is it just me?

  • Just recently adopted this sweet little tuxedo kitty, Xandis!

    He is making himself at home! 1yr old, and he's the absolute sweetest cat I've ever met. Successfully introduced him to our older cat, Loki. They're not friends yet, but they're getting along, no scuffles!
