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wlfrn Will
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Effectively Use History Commands in Linux
  • I have a bash function in fuzzy_arg that I bind to Alt-a to uses fzf for interactively inserting arguments from previous commands. It's Ctrl-r for Alt-. -- I've found it super useful for essentially inserting partial commands (single arguments) from the history

  • Effectively Use History Commands in Linux
  • you can get a lot of the way there with Control+R reverse history search (mentioned in the article) -- and it's interactive. With fzf you can even get fuzzy history searching (the first search result has a video). atuin puts history into a proper db, optional syncs across hosts, and, like fzf, enhances control+r

  • What email client are you guys using?
  • I get not wanting to find yourself in the crosshairs of IT policy people. And more so, having reverence for security measures. But, at least for the enterprise software I interact with, I don't see security implications and don't feel the effort to be frictionless is symmetric. I see the opposite. Policies increase insecure behavior and are obstacles to my job.

    Methinks those making purchase and policy decisions are not those who interact with the consequences (use the software in anger). I've been on the receiving end of some sales pitches -- the users are often an afterthought, not a priority. It's hard to respect the spirit (if not the letter) of bad policies, especially when the polices are hostile to me-the-user and getting-my-job-done.

    Currently grinding my gears: Why are we using MS Teams? Why does Teams block firefox (and safari, based on user-agent of all things!)? Why is IMAP disabled?

  • What email client are you guys using?
  • yeah! davmail provides a LDAP bridge for contact lookup. There's a guide for setting up Thunderbird to use it

  • What email client are you guys using?
  • Give the aforementioned davmail main page a look! The diagram does a pretty good job showing it's capabilities. Among other services, davmail bridges to LDAP (contacts) and calDav (calendar) too!

    I pull my work outlook calendar and personal google with vdirsync and khal on laptop and desktop.

  • What email client are you guys using?
  • doesn't have to be outlook! davmail (configured with the outlook client id) can provide an imap bridge for mbsync, thunderbird, etc to access in even the most restrictive O365 environments.

  • Wine Staging 9.11 Released With A Patch For A 17 Year Old Bug Report
  • Does ReactOS already support the newest office and Photoshop out of the box!?

    MS Office 2021 is garbage but at least 2016 and O365 Home (32-bit) are both silver. The linked Photoshop CC 2023 is also silver. That already seems like an impressive feat by the wine team.

  • Software to use laptop/tablet screen as an external monitor
  • I've gone the x11vnc on a dummy display route, but found the setup's too much ceremony to want to use with any consistency.

    Deskdock + barrier/synergy is slightly more ergonomic -- your laptop mouse and keyboard redirect to control android when you move the mouse out of the laptops screen and onto the tablet, but both displays are showing their native OS.

    It's entirely tangential (not for android, not just a screen), but arcan does some cool stuff in this space. Here's a video of "sever tunneling" (fancy x11 forwarding; It looks fascinating, but I've never gotten it setup).

  • [xmonad] Old Pywal Setup
  • I like the wallpapers! Especially the right. Reverse image search brought me to

  • XEmacs 21.5.35 “kohlrabi” is released
  • is this what "maintenance mode" looks like? The change log is huge

    from wikipedia:

    In December 2015 ... or putting the project in maintenance mode in case someone wants to restart development in the future.[26] This last option was the direction decided ...