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wispi wispikat

ghost critter, probably cottagecore. she/her

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Comments 23
CMV: PoE blows Diablo IV out of the water
  • They do different things for me.

    PoE satisfies my creative side in the sense that I can find say, a great unique item, or support gem, want to make a cool build out of it, and give that a shot. I also love that the endgame experience is highly customizable (in the form of hideout, as well as map-running choices, atlas passives, etc)

    I'm only level ~40 or so in D4 so take this with a grain of salt -- although D4 doesn't appear to have nearly the same level of customizability that PoE does, what it does offer me is an enormous world I can explore pretty much from the get-go. PoE is extremely linear, all throughout. Another thing D4 does really well is the feeling of its combat. Basic skills being a free, but weaker skill to help generate resource to more infrequently use a Core skill is a satisfying recipe, IMO. PoE would often feel like a screen clearing stomp-fest (and, at times, require it) and even though that can be satisfying in its own way, it's more fun for me if I feel like I have to struggle and claw my way into wins.

  • Does anyone else here have synesthesia?
  • the first one is like what i have. spatial sequence synesthesia. it also manifests most strongly when imagining months of the year, but instead of an oval mine is kind of an arc that starts on the left and ends on the right, with a weird emphasis/broadness on april (my birth month)

  • What are y'all's all time favourite game OSTs?
  • TUNIC, FEZ, Nier Automata, Outer Wilds.

    I also have a soft spot for Paper Mario and TTYD, those soundtracks are full of bops

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • this is probably mine, too. i really, really wanted to like it... don't know why it never clicked with me, but part of me suspects it's the general aesthetic. i just feel like that whole "medieval" open world look is so overdone. maybe i'm expecting too much.

  • Do you listen to any new bands? Or just same as 10 years ago?
  • all the time. I have a problem. I'm always seeking the next mindblowing album experience. gotta go back to the trieds and trues occasionally!

  • how’s your week going, Beehaw
  • got a lot going on, an important job interview, studying, trying to help a friend going through a tough time. l

  • rollcall: how many furries do we have on Beehaw at this point
  • mmmmm that does ring some bells. i hadn't really delved into it at the time, and i'd heard tales of drama... (which might be the reason for the former!)

  • What's your favorite book(s) of all time?
  • a few of importance to me:

    One Hundred Years of Solitude

    Guards! Guards!


    The Scar

  • Can anyone recommend me a Pokemon Fangame?
  • my recommendation is Pokémon Unbound. really enjoyed my experience with that one!

  • rollcall: how many furries do we have on Beehaw at this point
  • have furries been thriving on the fediverse all this time?! eg, mastodon. i legitimately feel like I've noticed a furry "void" in my usual internet spaces for a few years...

  • What are some of your favorite game mechanics?
  • optional, well hidden, especially cryptic content. this kind of thing is the BEST. it plays into my simple collectathon loving brain where just finding things for the sake of finding them is where all the fun is.

    see: Environmental Station Alpha, Tunic, FEZ...

  • What OS do you use on your pc and why?
  • windows 10 desktop PC for ableton live, linux mint xfce laptop for productivity

  • Comfort games?
  • Slime Rancher 2 is my more recent go-to. Failing that, Super Mario World or Yoshi's Island will always do it for me

  • What's your favourite Pokemon?
  • Snivy or Mimikyu! Smug snake and tragic edge fairy. What's not to love

    Shoutouts to Shedinja, Pumpkaboo, Lapras, Minccino...

  • What are some communities that aren't here yet that you hope to see in the future?
  • How feasible is it to have communities for game genres, and then within those communities maybe some general topic threads for specific games? That's how I've imagined the fediverse space would accommodate further niche subject matter. Not sure if it's been attempted yet!

  • Do you work alone or in a team?
  • Alone, although I've been wanting to attempt a game jam collaboratively with someone else. Feel like I would learn a lot that way

  • how long is your To Read list, Beehaw?
  • Somewhere around ~150. much like my music listening wishlist, I've come to terms with the fact that I will never, ever get through all of it