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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 618 tankie censorship problem
  • lmao get back to me when the mods on stop deleting every comment that is critical of Biden. STFU. There is no recourse for mods on Lemmy and they can use their powers to delete any comments they want. The only recourse you have is to find a fediverse that caters to your weakass centrist views.

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • I wasn't arguing with pugjesus, just in contention with their disingenuous communication. PugJesus did not disprove any claims I made. I think you're not following the conversation.

    You don't have any evidence one way or the other that everyone understood the counter argument immediately, what he brought up was a relatively obscure historical event and if you disagree with that assertion, I can't even begin to take you seriously.

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • If you felt there was a contradiction, you could have named that contradiction. All you did was say that you thought the other person hasn't even read it. The tone was not, "oh if you have read Mussolini why do you think he says etc etc when the Doctrine of Fascism says etc etc " it was "I have read a lot and I don't think you have read the things you said you have read"

    What you're doing is acting passive aggressively superior at every turn and not making or directly addressing any actual points 🥴 very liberal coded of you, not surprising

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • they said if you want to learn more about a topic that they described, that you can read Mussolini.

    you responsed with a sarcastic "Cool" and said oh by the way have you actually even read Mussolini?

    I can't be the first person to tell you how obnoxious you are lol. And I know you know what you're doing lol.

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • It's not that you read, it's that you name drop books and knowledge instead of incorporating them into a discussion. And your self-defensive posture of "well SORRY for READING" is like the oldest trick in the manipulator's book.

    It's not that you read, it's that you brag about reading in a way that doesn't contribute to the conversation. It's not that you responded, it's that you responded in a way that turned the suggestion into a pissing match of who has read what.

    I'm telling you this, but I'm sure you know this because you probably do this all the time to give yourself an ego boost.

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • If you said, "I disagree bc this historical event is an example of fascism coming from a non-liberal origin"... then yes, that would have been literally what you said. But that's not what you said. So why say that's literally what you said? It literally is not lol

  • Global navigation jamming will only get worse. The U.S. needs to move fast - SpaceNews
  • Do you? ArcGIS and navigating in the field are not the same thing. I assume you don't, or else you wouldn't have brought up a tangentially related skill?

    You're just saying my mind is made up because you don't have anything to contribute to the discussion lol

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • If you just name titles of books and concepts, you're not contradicting any points you're leaving the contradiction as an exercise to the reader and like, bragging about reading which is obnoxious and which you're doing again here 😂

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • Yeah, you know damn well that Democrats are one of the major parties in the US liberal Democracy, and you know damn well you are trying to defend them.

    They gambled fascism because their policy is not far enough away from the Republican ideology for it to have been a serious existential concern. You're almost there....

    And yes, the way you said " Actually, I have read it" and immediately was like "ohhh but have you read this??" was extremely pompous and gross lol

  • "Fascism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more fascist it is"
  • LMAO democrats being the primary foe of fascism. Have you never heard of.... any left wing theory? 😂😂😂

    The Clinton campaign's strategy was literally promoting Trump. They want to promote the most extreme, overtly bigoted Republicans so that they seem like a good deal in comparison. This isn't something I made up, it was their actual campaign strategy.

    They prop up extremists to try to get people to vote for their LGBT-friendly center-right party instead of voting left. All the policies that impact fascist imperial power [war-mongering, healthcare (not having access to healthcare outside of work weakens the labor movement/left wing organizing), immigration etc] stay largely the same.

    Stop trying to be a pompous ass about what you have and haven't read and pay attention.

  • Liberty Hub whoreticulture

    Biden didn't give a fuck during the Vietnam War and he doesn't give a fuck about Gaza now

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture

    cross-posted from:

    > Very weird that I am so old and have literally never heard this mentioned in a TV show or book or movie or anything. > > In four out of five states, if you go to prison, you are literally paying for the time you spend there. > > As you can guess, this results in crippling debt as soon as you're released. > > The county gets back a fraction of what they hold over your head the rest of your life until you commit suicide(or die naturally and peacefully with the sword of damocles hanging over your head). > > $20-$80 a day according to Rutgers. > > Counties apparently sue people and employ wage garnishment to get back the money that majority of people obviously cannot pay back. > >

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture

    Police shoot rubber bullets at UCLA protesters as encampment cleared Police shoot at UCLA protesters as encampment cleared

    Violence erupted at UCLA's pro-Palestinian protest on Thursday as police cleared the encampment.

    Police shoot at UCLA protesters as encampment cleared

    cross-posted from:

    watched some of the livestreams last night. the protestors were peaceful, and repeatedly and loudly telling each other not to be violent, not to throw things.

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities

    Cars were stopped and chains were used to block traffic lanes on the famous bridge. Protesters also blocked traffic in Chicago, New York City and Seattle.

    Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities

    cross-posted from:

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture Hawaii is "on the verge of catastrophe," locals say, as water crisis continues

    The island home to Hawaii's capital may be surrounded by ocean, but years-long drought conditions, tourist activities and contamination are jeopardizing the island's only source of freshwater.

    Hawaii is "on the verge of catastrophe," locals say, as water crisis continues

    cross-posted from:

    > In Hawaii, one of the most important sayings is ola i ka wai, "water is life" — a phrase that not only sums up what it means to exist on an island, but what it means to live, period. But now, one of the largest of the island chain's land masses is facing a triple threat to its sole freshwater source, and if it isn't addressed soon, one community member says, "we're in deep trouble." > > Despite being surrounded by seemingly endless ocean, freshwater on Oahu, the third-largest of Hawaii's six major islands, is not easily accessible. The island relies on an underground aquifer for its water supply. Replenishing that aquifer is a decades-long natural process, as it takes a single drop of water roughly 25 years to make it there from the sky. > > And recent years have seen compounding problems: less rain, leading to significant droughts, and repeated jet fuel leaks and PFAS chemical spills contaminating water systems. All of this significantly limits available water use for locals, many of whom say tourism is only worsening the situation. Just months ago, the world's largest surfing wave pool opened up on the island — filled with freshwater.

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture

    Vietnamese billionaire Truong My Lan sentenced to death for embezzlement of $12.5 billion

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture

    Keep pushing...

    cross-posted from:

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture Just Another Day at the Genocide Office

    By refusing to cover a new U.S. shipment of vast quantities of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel, the Times gave a boost to the process of normalizing the slaughter in Gaza, as if this was unnewsworthy.

    Just Another Day at the Genocide Office

    cross-posted from:

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture The ‘NYTimes’ is ignoring Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank

    Israel has been using the distraction of the Gaza invasion to seize land in the occupied West Bank and attack Palestinians. The New York Times is ignoring the story.

    The ‘NYTimes’ is ignoring Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > The ‘NYTimes’ is ignoring Israel’s crackdown in the West Bank

    You know it's bad when CNN is cited as having more left reporting than NYT. NYT doesn't want to upset their liberal Zionist reader-base.

    Liberty Hub whoreticulture Wisconsin 'uninstructed delegation' voters more than double Biden's 2020 margin

    Similar options in other states have picked up thousands of votes and earned delegate spots to the Democratic National Convention.

    Wisconsin 'uninstructed delegation' voters more than double Biden's 2020 margin

    cross-posted from:

    Insane that people will try to say this is a minority movement. Inspiring news from Wisconsin.
