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weeahnn greenman

looking for water. planet is fuck

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Comments 4 (and some others) were hacked
  • is that why I can't log into my account?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • While the user base is full of morons, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some fuckery going on from the side of the company. A bit of psyop here and there and bamm people are divided

  • Describe a game in 5 words or less, and see if anyone can guess it.
  • ore colony orcs mages camps

    The game is pretty retro so might actually be hard. might...

  • Star Citizen costs exceed Cyberpunk 2077, GTA 5, and RDR2 combined
  • Ohhh boi I remember when I tried out the game when the free fly was active. Did not stay for long.