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All those YA books lied to me
  • Gandalf invited Bilbo Baggins on an "adventure" when he was 50, so not everything is lost yet.

  • Merge then review
  • Something like that happened to me yesterday. I reviewed one PR, then some Important Guy came in and said:

    • it is nice you reviewed my work, but we need to push this to production right now.
    • just fix these things, I described you how. Just copy/paste these snippets
    • these are cosmetics, I don't care
    • "cosmetics", huh? Your shit may just crash
    • gfy and push this to production right now
    • well, ok

    Of course, lack of these "cosmetics" caused crash in production. It's my fault of course.

  • A lot of YAML
  • I like YAML.

  • What is your favourite font for code ?
  • My own variant of Iosevka

  • What are your programming hot takes?
  • Spaces look the same on every screen.

  • ways to close vim
  • dumb way.

    Get fancy, add progress bar: pv < /dev/zero > "/proc/$(pidof vim)/mem"

  • Day in the Life: Senior Dev Edition
  • I'm not proud of it at all, but in my case:

    • 06:45 - Sit down, log in to PC, be sure teams status is set to invisible, sip of coffee tea
    • 07:00 - Start doing useful stuff while it's quiet
    • 09:00 - Set status to available
    • 13:00 - Try to remain sane and professional
    • 15:30 - Time to end this: leave "early", because life reasons

    I'm getting tired of this.

  • Would you agree?
  • No place for bazaar. Looks more like corporations wet dream.

  • What is the best file format for configuration file?
  • No reason to go beyond simple key-value format like dotenv or just env variables. If you need more structure then maybe you are confusing configuration with state and this is not really the same thing.

  • become ungoogleable
  • In places like here, probably, where nerds share nerdy stuff.