Gandalf invited Bilbo Baggins on an "adventure" when he was 50, so not everything is lost yet.
Something like that happened to me yesterday. I reviewed one PR, then some Important Guy came in and said:
- it is nice you reviewed my work, but we need to push this to production right now.
- just fix these things, I described you how. Just copy/paste these snippets
- these are cosmetics, I don't care
- "cosmetics", huh? Your shit may just crash
- gfy and push this to production right now
- well, ok
Of course, lack of these "cosmetics" caused crash in production. It's my fault of course.
Spaces look the same on every screen.
dumb way.
Get fancy, add progress bar: pv < /dev/zero > "/proc/$(pidof vim)/mem"
I'm not proud of it at all, but in my case:
- 06:45 - Sit down, log in to PC, be sure teams status is set to invisible, sip of
coffeetea - 07:00 - Start doing useful stuff while it's quiet
- 09:00 - Set status to available
- 13:00 - Try to remain sane and professional
- 15:30 - Time to end this: leave "early", because life reasons
I'm getting tired of this.
No place for bazaar. Looks more like corporations wet dream.
No reason to go beyond simple key-value format like dotenv or just env variables. If you need more structure then maybe you are confusing configuration with state and this is not really the same thing.
In places like here, probably, where nerds share nerdy stuff.
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