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volkmar Volkmar

Oralapostel. Bio-Omnivor. Altmetaller alter Schule. Dunkelkamerad. Nerd vom Dienst. Ständiger Vertreter Ostwestfalens hier. #Arbeiterkind. Wählt nicht die AfD.

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What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @knexcar Please change "You never see gas pumps on their own" to "I've never seen" - because I see and use autonomous gas stations, even without personnel, just self service cash/card payment, no shop.

    I know what you mean. I think without the gas station the shops would not have been opened and made enough profit on their own. The gas station is the egg, from which the hen "convenience store" hatched. Example: Lonely gas stations along desert highways or in small villages.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @knexcar I know the reality, but I think it is the other way round: The stores are attached to the gas station, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

    When have you walked to a gas station for buying petrol products the last time?

    The discussion about the type of name of additional businesses of gas stations is not the point. It is about what you *need* and what type of business depending on your needs you would walk to.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @flying_sheep A gas station is selling petrol, diesel and oil, sometimes hydrogen, LPG or electricity charging. For all these, you need a vehicle.
    If one means snacks oder drinks, one should write down "kiosk", "grocery shop" or "elementary store".

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars
    Why should I *walk* to a *gas station*?