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vanontom Vanon

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Comments 203
No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch
  • This story did not go through our standard editing process and has been removed.

    It seems AP are cowards. They've removed the article.

  • Secret Service director steps down after assassination attempt against ex-President Trump at rally.
  • Agreed. Just saying they definitely deserve some blame. (And the BS their local DA has been saying is annoying at best.) The simplest thing should have been to delay or postpone the event. But I imagine they almost always have "people of interest" at events, and (somehow) never did see a gun or weapon.

  • Secret Service director steps down after assassination attempt against ex-President Trump at rally.
  • To me, the local PD seems to have plenty of fault. (Surprised she didn't throw them under the bus.) The shooter's on top of a building, outside of SS perimeter. And incredibly, it's literally full of local PD, apparently emergency response (SWAT).

    There seems to have been severe communication issues from all involved: Knew of suspect for hour, lost him, searched, finally checked roof, too late. SS sniper seems to have had him in sights, but did not shoot until after (perhaps thought he could be local PD). They all deserve blame for the almost comedy of errors. I think the wind might've done more to prevent the assassination.

  • Ohio GOP Senator Says 'Civil War' Needed If Trump Loses.
  • As long as we have the presidency and military.

    Civil war. Or submit to "Project 2025"-level insanity and Christian fascism. Those are the choices the cult gives us. They really are the American Taliban. Can't wait to see their "chosen one" lose again.

  • After Musk's pro-Trump/Vance bender, X users report issues following Kamala Harris' accounts
  • Anybody still using it at this point deserves all the brain damage it causes. No excuses.

  • Donald Trump Lays Groundwork To Dodge Or Change Rules Of The Next Debate
  • I think millions of people would watch this. The contrast of Harris vs T**** would be shocking. And a huge issue right now is communication of the issues.

    Take a handful of actually important subjects: healthcare/abortion, immigration, climate, democracy/fascism, education, taxes, etc. Let Kamala clearly and concisely explain her/Democrats position. Then "let virtual Donny answer" (play each of his rambling greatest hits; it wouldn't be far off his actual answer). Do this for each subject, like a good old fashioned debate. Make it clear this was not AI or manipulated, but actual quotes.

  • Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race
  • I'm surprised that Buttigieg is not mentioned more often. Brilliant, fantastic communication, midwestern, white man (but not straight, lol), no valuable seat left open. And his recent takedown of Vance is a great example, would love to see that VP debate.

  • Barack Obama's Statement on President Biden's Announcement
  • Love it. I hope he's abandoned all the social media trash out of principle. Lead by example.

  • Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden
  • I think most people had no idea he was significantly declining, hence the astonishment at the debate. And some people around him seem to have been encouraging the denial (or worse). I'm unclear if he was doing better many months ago before primaries.

    I can't imagine how insulated and reliant on advisors and other employees the president becomes. Quickly surrounded by people who have no interest in being the bearer of bad news. Probably akin to billionaires, and we see what they mutate into (some kind of Musk-like creature).

    I'm so relieved that Biden was able to come to this painful decision, even if it was late. On the bright side, at least there's less time for the GOP to smear the new nominee. And no more televised convention for them to host the lies for free.

  • Pornhub Pulls Out of Nebraska
  • I love that half the time I turn on my VPN I'm reminded that I do, in fact, live in a puritanical Christofascist hellscape, it's not my imagination, and I need to leave. Thanks GOP.

  • Pornhub Pulls Out of Nebraska
  • But we all know educated and/or wealthy immigrants are welcome almost everywhere. Wealthy, at least; Educated is much more complicated...

    We have the distinct disadvantage of absurdly expensive education, which means decades to waste here before debts are paid. Also insanely expensive insurance, so don't get seriously ill or have any kind of accidents (that'll cost you either way). Rent? (That's tripled, fuck you.) Have your parents died and left you money? (JFC they're still alive and poorly spent their savings on garbage and Trump scams? Game over.)

  • Joe Biden faces increasing pressure to quit the race, but has spent a lifetime overcoming the odds
  • Not miraculous. Almost everyone dropped out and endorsed Biden, at the same time, just before Super Tuesday. It was coordinated to help him, after he just won big in SC. Warren stayed in to "help" divide prog vote. That, and COVID, is how we ended up with Biden.

    It is ironic that some of these same people are now working behind the scenes again, only to replace him. I'm surprised and happy that Biden listened to Bernie and progs, and had a decent presidency (almost much more, killed by Manchin and Sinema). But swing state polls have shifted, and Biden seems incapable of effectively communicating necessary info (basic politics). I can't imagine the consequences in 2028 if he eeks this one out but continues the decline.

  • Joe Biden faces increasing pressure to quit the race, but has spent a lifetime overcoming the odds
  • And more full of people who lost miserably against some odds, and lost exactly as expected. Biden's ego and denial (probably due to some close advisors) is on the verge of pulling an RBG right now, but it's going to cost much more than Roe this time.

  • Artificial price increase so that you can post “discounts” on Prime Day
  • I love Keepa, and the Firefox addon. However, they seemed to nerf their wishlist features (auto sync problems, 10 items max, etc). Noticed after missing deals, due to not receiving alerts of price drops. Still very useful, but CCC now has more reliable auto tracking lists (just add to wishlist, it will auto sync and email any drops).

  • President Biden tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Whoa, this Arock Bonana fella came out of nowhere, and he seems pretty cool. Have you heard him speak in coherent sentences? I think his brain might be undamaged!

  • Maybe it was someone from the future.
  • Yes, the initial reaction seems to be "he just won", but that's a bit silly with 3-4 months to go. Don't worry (yet)! We have no idea if the violence will escalate, or what absolutely fucking insane things will occur in this time (esp. Oct-Nov)!

    "Which candidate will calm all of this down?" We await the verdict from the 1. INCREDIBLE or 2. DEPLORABLE (select one after election) people of the USA... PA, WI, and MI.

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • Apologies. I now see it's literally part of the first rule. (On the web, it's literally "right there". But more hidden on mobile, Sync app, under About section that I apparently never click.)

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • You're not exactly wrong, haha. (Biden will never use his new powers to his advantage.) It's an example of the absurdity of the court and their decisions, and the things we can look forward to from the fascist cult in the coming years.

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • I thought the site might be fine, but posted text anyway. May I recommend Firefox browser on mobile with uBlock Origin addon.

  • Orbán to meet Putin in Moscow visit likely to anger EU
  • Didn't he just visit Ukraine? Of course he must hand-deliver his report to Putin, it's just part of their deal. (If acceptable, only then may he receive cock into chosen hole and various other gifts.)

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump... If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump ...

    What might the current president do with monarchical immunity to act? Sorry, that’s not admissible.

    If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump ...

    What might the current president do with monarchical immunity to act? Sorry, that’s not admissible.

    By Sidney Blumenthal (New Republic, July 4, 2024)


    How Hamas Breached Israel's Iron Wall

    The investigation and video reconstruction shows how fighters neutralized key parts of the border fence, exploiting vulnerabilities created by Israel’s dependence on technology.
