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If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • Apologies. I now see it's literally part of the first rule. (On the web, it's literally "right there". But more hidden on mobile, Sync app, under About section that I apparently never click.)

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • You're not exactly wrong, haha. (Biden will never use his new powers to his advantage.) It's an example of the absurdity of the court and their decisions, and the things we can look forward to from the fascist cult in the coming years.

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • I thought the site might be fine, but posted text anyway. May I recommend Firefox browser on mobile with uBlock Origin addon.

  • OrbĆ”n to meet Putin in Moscow visit likely to anger EU
  • Didn't he just visit Ukraine? Of course he must hand-deliver his report to Putin, it's just part of their deal. (If acceptable, only then may he receive cock into chosen hole and various other gifts.)

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump...
  • Full text:

    Picture if you can, imagine if you will, this Oval Office address by President Biden:

    Good evening, my fellow Americans. With the close of the current session of the Supreme Court, I want to report to you on my compliance with their decisions, especially in the case involving presidential immunity, United States v. Trump.

    When I took the oath of office, I swore that I would ā€œpreserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.ā€ The Supreme Court has now reinterpreted that document. The court, for all intents and purposes, has also reinterpreted the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed, ā€œGovernments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governedā€ to replace the ā€œabsolute tyrannyā€ of a king.

    I have read the courtā€™s majority opinion that an official act of the president is ā€œpresumptivelyā€ immune from all prosecution during and after his term, and that the presidentā€™s motive cannot be questioned. I have read, according to the majority, that a president who orders the Department of Justice and his vice president to commit election fraud is immune. I have read that a president who incites a mob to attempt to assassinate the vice president for failing to follow those instructions is immune. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, ā€œOrders the Navyā€™s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.ā€

    Fellow Americans, I have taken the courtā€™s opinion to heart. I am not one to defy the court. I am, as many have remarked, an institutionalist. I believe with all my soul in our institutions. And now, following the letter and the spirit of the courtā€™s ruling, I have acted swiftly, decisively, and enthusiastically to enforce it. I will not, I cannot, shirk my constitutional duty. As Justice Sotomayor states, ā€œIn every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.ā€

    To begin with, certain ā€œgratuities,ā€ as we shall call them, have been paid to the court majority as a token of appreciation. In their ruling in the case of Snyder v. United States, the majority decided that James Snyder, the former mayor of Portage, Indiana, who cajoled $13,000 from a trucking company after he granted it a city contract, was not liable for bribery. The court stated that it was a ā€œgratuity.ā€ ā€œGratuities are typically payments made to a public official after an official act as a reward or token of appreciation,ā€ wrote Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the majority opinion.

    Payment of ā€œgratuitiesā€ to the justices who ruled in the majority in United States v. Trump follows the courtā€™s decision in Snyder. It cannot be considered a bribe because it was not promised beforehand. But I do hope, as Justice Kavanaugh wrote, that there is ā€œappreciation.ā€

    Now, following my strict construction of the courtā€™s ruling on immunity, I can report to the nation that the threat to national security posed by my former political opponent, my late predecessor, has been eliminated. It was an official act. It was, to quote the court, ā€œpresumptive.ā€

    The reasons for his removal do not need to be explained. Under the courtā€™s decision, as an official act, it is more than privileged. I hope you understand that I need not disclose the reasons. I must respect the Supreme Court. I can assure the American people that there will be a thorough report that is currently being written by the intelligence community. It is classified. The substance cannot be disclosedā€”and never can be.

    But I do want to tell you that he did have sex with a porn star. She didnā€™t like it. And he lied about his golf handicap.

    Why am I doing this? Thatā€™s not admissible. The state of mind of the president, according to the court, is not admissible. My state of mind falls under an official act, so itā€™s nobodyā€™s business but my own. I am proud of my official acts. I must respect the precedent of keeping secret all my reasons. Otherwise, I would be damaging the presidency for others who might follow in this office.

    I regret to inform you that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has been arrested. A number of other members of the House Republican Conference have been taken into custody. Jim Jordan, unfortunately, attempted to resist arrest. After wrestling with an FBI agent, he met a tragic fate. In the sudden absence of those members, there is a new majority in the House. I look forward to a long and cooperative relationship. I can say proudly, gridlock is at last broken. And we can all give thanks to the Supreme Court.

    I further regret to inform you that 10 members of the Republican Senate caucus have been arrested. Again, unfortunately, Josh Hawley attempted to run away and was wounded in the leg. The incident was entirely his fault: if only he had submitted to the authorities. Lindsey Graham was arrested in his office. He has renounced all of his former allegiances, and I have issued him a pardonā€”a conditional pardon. There will be no more obstruction from filibusters. Again, we can thank the court.

    Now, about the court itself, with the present available members of the Congress, I have proposed that the Supreme Court be expanded by 26 justices. I can report that those new justices have already been nominated and approved. Advise and consent is on the fast track. All 26 will be here tomorrow. A longer bench is already under construction.

    Tragically, Chief Justice John Roberts has been arrested for his treasonous comment that the president is doing something illegal, based on his very own opinion. I will name a new chief justice after the new 26 members take their posts.

    More reform is on the way. The Twenty-Second Amendment prohibiting the president from holding more than two terms will be replaced by the Twenty-Eighth Amendment, which rescinds it. The new amendment has been proposed in the states. I have no doubt that three-quarters of the states, through their legislatures, will be cooperative. In fact, I can promise you that I expect 100 percent cooperation from each and every state legislature on a bipartisan basis. I have alerted FBI offices in every state to assist in our plan to extend democracy.

    To that end, I am creating a new Cabinet department, the Department of Official Acts, to coordinate, simplify, and centralize the far-flung activities of the Department of Homeland Security, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Defense, and other departments and agencies. I am committed to eliminating waste and abuse in official acts.

    Moreover, the vice president will head a new office here at the White House, the Office of Reimagining Official Acts, to spur innovation, creativity, and efficiency, and above all the execution of justice. That office will review all of the acts that I take so that they qualify as official.

    The Office of Reimagining Official Acts has already held a Zoom conference this morning with all of the Fortune 500 CEOs. Each and every executive without exception has released a statement in support of my official acts and promised full cooperation, with gusto. By the way, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee will hold a press conference to announce the details of the amazing news that our campaign has just received new contributions of $43 billion and counting.

    I can also report that Rupert Murdoch has been arrested for seditious conspiracy, along with his accomplices at Fox News, who have previously been liable for defamation. They have been spewing libels every hour of every day since. Thatā€™s as much as I can say. I cannot give another reason without breaking the strictures laid down by the court.

    The Supreme Courtā€™s immunity decision has also had a big impact on international relations. I have had a conversation with Vladimir Putin, who told me that he misunderstood me all along, and that after the dayā€™s events here at home, he has decided to withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine. He told me he has the greatest admiration for our form of government now. He said, we can do business, strongman to strongman.

    As for the rest of the campaign, when the Republican National Committee decides on its candidate, I would consider a debate with the ground rules that candidates adhere to national security guidelines, which will be presented as neededā€”before, during, and after such an event, consistent as official acts.

    If any reader of this column can show where anything described here would be illegal under the Supreme Court immunity ruling, please turn yourself in to the nearest FBI bureau to avoid yet another tragic result. Thought is mother to the deed. Thought must be included among the potential threats to be countered by presidential official acts. ā€œPresumptive,ā€ as the court stated, must mean presumptive. And the reason? The president does not need to explain.

    As we celebrate this Fourth of July, in a fervent prayer that the courtā€™s ruling will work out for the best of all possible worlds, I want to say in conclusion, what goes around comes around.

  • If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump... If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump ...

    What might the current president do with monarchical immunity to act? Sorry, thatā€™s not admissible.

    If Joe Biden Were as Ruthless About Immunity as Donald Trump ...

    What might the current president do with monarchical immunity to act? Sorry, thatā€™s not admissible.

    By Sidney Blumenthal (New Republic, July 4, 2024)

    [UK] General election - live: Sunak ā€˜fears losing own seatā€™ as poll predicts bigger Labour landslide than 1997
  • Obligatory: Fuck the polls, only voting matters. Crush those fuckers into the bowels of history. Appreciate democracy. It's progress, even when it's not perfect.

  • Just a normal night
  • My cat loves string, more than any other play thing. But I had to stop it when I found him with a, um... piece hanging out his butt. (And he actually chewed that one off at both ends, from a "fishing rod" toy.) Careful out there, friends of cats.

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • His corpse would be surrounded by intelligent and decent people, all of which are more capable of governing than T**** and his fascist reality show contestants. It's unfortunate Biden didn't take his top secret brain drugs tonight, but it changes nothing for me.

  • Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea
  • In your attempt to piss on Russia, they claim you killed civilians. Piss should no longer be produced, it's too dangerous.

  • Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime
  • "Thou shalt not kill" *

    * Only applies to solid white christians. Heaven still available with apology and proper donation.

  • Prosecutor asks Texas court to reverse governor's pardon of man who fatally shot demonstrator
  • No justice, no peace. Guns everywhere. What could go wrong.

  • Prosecutor asks Texas court to reverse governor's pardon of man who fatally shot demonstrator
  • Zero chance. In Texas, decades of Republican control has corrupted the state courts, stacked supreme court (zero Democrats), who coincidentally never rule against their governor.

    Voter's choice? I'm not convinced these types of proud facists (who've projected stolen elections and other lies for years) value free and fair elections. The good ol' boys know best.

  • Doctor who claimed COVID vaccines made people magnets is sued by DOJ over taxes
  • Way beyond foolishness. It's more like weaponized stupidity, cultist behavior, that's threatening all of us with some kind of idiocracy.

  • Boeingā€™s largest plant in ā€˜panic modeā€™ amid safety crisis, say workers and union officials
  • I happened to catch NASA on YouTube for a few hours that morning. There were a few problems, but they got through it. At about T-10 min, everyone seemed to feel this was the one, clear to launch. Even a few speeches ('MURICA!). I left for a minute and came back to the crew access arm being extended... It was difficult to watch them have to painstakingly evacuate the crew again instead of sending it to space.

  • FCC ends affordable internet program due to lack of funds | CNN Business
  • Google was just like, "It's ending and your bill will revert to full price immediately." And it did. (But service has been great otherwise, so...) But I've read that other providers are offering some options and discounts, so that's nice.

  • Russia Declares War on ā€˜Mediocre Actorā€™ George Clooney
  • Do you have just like a trillion gifs movies saved somewhere

  • Boeingā€™s largest plant in ā€˜panic modeā€™ amid safety crisis, say workers and union officials
  • And at the other end of Boeing, they're having extreme difficulty getting Starliner launched again (part 2: human boogaloo, endless problems, even while years behind SpaceX). It's like they're being sabotaged, only it's probably just mismanagement, incompetence, and demoralization.

  • Legal expert calls out Trump lawyer's "blatant and wholly inappropriate" closing message to jury
  • Top activities: Raging at tv news, golfing, traveling to golf, abusing staff, impotent tweets, insane rants, eating garbage, shitting everywhere, drugs, passing out. Person, woman, man, camera, tv? The life of a billionaire* genius** president***.

  • All cats are the same
  • Oh, so that's what ACAB means. ^/s

  • 2 teens die in suspected drownings after accepting dare, jumping off bridge into lake
  • "If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" Yes, apparently.

  • How Hamas Breached Israel's Iron Wall

    The investigation and video reconstruction shows how fighters neutralized key parts of the border fence, exploiting vulnerabilities created by Israelā€™s dependence on technology.
