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ultratiem meseek #2982

I am not me.

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Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it
  • Do as I say, not as I do!

    This is why piracy is actually a fundamental human right. Because if we left everything up to companies, they would do whatever the fuck they wanted and hide behind the legitimacy of being a company which in most peoples eyes makes them inherently "right".

  • Sharing is caring
  • Fuck wasps

  • Do blurry glasses exist that you can just randomly buy?
    1. read my other replies. 2) I don’t “work” for you, fuck you.
  • goddamnit
  • Every time I have to fire up my Fb account, I'm stunned at how shit React is. It's appalling how bad that framework has become. Maybe if they cared about implementing solid code and less about raping your life of metadata in order to sell you the worst products on the planet thru their "partners" things would be better.

  • goddamnit
  • Not many processors have AV1 hardware decoders yet (Apple thru them in on their M3's last year and latest iPhone 15 Pros) so I can't see it being that. There's also software decoding that works fine. My wallpaper on macOS has been avif since last year (Sonoma) and works without issue. I don't think it works in Windows 10 tho. No issues with the latest Ubuntu and I'm not familiar at all with Android OS.

    In any case, I think it's the best thing to come out in a long time. My website with raw PNGs was about 120MB. I crushed those PNGs with noticeable quality loss down to 50MB. I then crushed the original 120MB down to 60MB with minimal to no visual quality loss using webp. But I got it down to 25MB without loss using avif at 85% compression. Just insane performance, couldn't be more impressed!

  • Do blurry glasses exist that you can just randomly buy?
  • Like if you have blurry vision, and you don't wear vision-correcting glasses, does that set off an inevitable downward spiral of degradation of your vision?

    Not really. It depends on how bad. But not having good eyesight which leads to blurry vision isn't a blanket condition, in that, your entire world isn't just a blur. You can focus on some things (far sighted vs near sighted) and even if you can't see well close-up, you can still force your eyes in some circumstances to produce better vision if you put in effort. It's like trying to lift a bag that's too heavy for you. You may not be able to get it above your head, but maybe you can lift it off the floor if you try hard enough.

    What causes an inevitable degradation is more to do with age and how our bodies just fail over time. Headaches and other ailments associated with poor vision are the number one cause for most people to see an optometrist. Your eyes can only handle so much load before it takes a toll. Which should be the red flag for you and your "blurry" glasses.

    Closing your eyes is the most ideal because it cuts off sensory information, which saves energy (your sensory and motor cortex are spared or operate with less resources). It's like lying still vs running a marathon. It requires a lot of energy for your brain to continually process info. And humans are visual creatures. We take vision above all else. If it looks like a duck, but sounds like a sheep and smells like bread, it's still a duck to us. Which tells you just how much of our brain is carved out for that sense.

    Baggage checkers at airports that sit behind the x-ray machine usually lose sharpness after about 30m (which means they can allow potentially dangerous objects onto aircrafts). Attention is super expensive and if you call on someone's total, undivided attention, that can only be maintained for so long before the brain sort of checks out.

    And not it's not a dumb question.

    [email protected] answered your question below regarding simulated blurriness and I added a bit to it if you want to read more.

  • Do blurry glasses exist that you can just randomly buy?
  • It is different for simulated blurriness, because simulated blurriness can't be modulated by your ocular muscles, so they won't reflexively strain to focus.

    You couldn't really achieve that effect by actually putting any kind of lens in front of your eyes though. That is not a simulation of blurriness, it is actual blurriness.

    This is the correct answer. It's like using an image with depth to work your depth perception: it won't work because you can't transition between each layer to bring them into focus. Seamen who stay in submarines for extended periods are prohibited from driving for quite a while when they get back on land because a submarine is too small of an enclosed space and your depth perception crumbles over time when it's not being used.

    Turning your world into a blur will basically cause your eyes to try and hyper focus at all times, unable to do so. This will lead to massive eye strain but also a ton of headaches and other ailments. It is the opposite of relaxation for your body.

  • Do blurry glasses exist that you can just randomly buy?
  • Still absolutely terrible for any length of time.

  • goddamnit
  • What doesn’t support avif? Even Apple devices support it and they are usually the last to adopt anything. I’ve crushed all my website using it and it turns a 1MB image to 80KB without quality loss, absolutely amazing compression!

  • Judge denies Alec Baldwin’s plea to dismiss case in fatal Rust shooting
  • So he just whipped it out for fun? This just gets worse as more details emerge

  • Judge denies Alec Baldwin’s plea to dismiss case in fatal Rust shooting
  • FBI testing heavily damaged the firearm before Baldwin’s team was able to examine it for any potential modifications, and authorities failed to photograph the individual elements of the firearm beforehand, the defense had argued.

    Looks like he's still sticking to his "the gun just fired by itself" defence. Which is both sad and confusing as he pulled it out on set with the intention to pull the trigger for the scene. Whether it went off on its own is moot as even if it didn't, he would still moments later have pulled the trigger. It's not like the gun flew out of hits holster and shot Hutchins.

    The FBI and an independent firearms expert found the gun functioned normally and would not fire without the trigger depressed, but Baldwin’s defense team has argued that the firearm was prone to malfunctioning.

    So you admittedly used a known, malfunctioning gun? How is that better or even exonerates him in this case? I guess based on his history with finance, he got one of those bargain basement lawyers to build his defence.

    The entire set was a gong show and this is what happens when you don't follow the proper safety rules and bring in a bunch of unqualified people because you stiffed the former crew for pay. Sad that an innocent person had to die.

  • Do blurry glasses exist that you can just randomly buy?
  • You really don't care about your eyesight do you... this will absolutely wreck your eyes.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Not that the over/under debate was even a thing, but this should convince those diehard lunatics not to hang their TP improperly!

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Not the best patent to use if you want to settle the debate. This one from Wheeler is the nail in the coffin: patent

    It also shows why it was over and not under as at the time, the TP holder was a hanging wire, which kept the paper against the wall. Not protruding out like todays hangers.

  • Mythbusters
  • Dynamite in water is the same basic principle used for sea mines. History has taught us those actually work. With the bullet, it’s more about surface tension which makes sense as falling from a high enough cliff onto water if you don’t land right is nearly the same as falling onto concrete.

    Cool stuff regardless and I always found their testing to be quite spot on, scientifically.

  • Just noticed that both 1337x and TorrentGalaxy mark IGGGAMES as a "trusted uploader"
  • LOL. Oh no some random dude made a list a long time ago. Oh no. A clone of what? Because rarbg was shutdown a while ago. Maybe think for yourself.

    Also, the site looks nothing like the original rarbg, so I guess they failed there to. It’s another website linking to torrents, nothing more. I’ve not seen a single thing suss about it and I’ve been using it for months.

  • Like chicken but tastier: Plant-based nuggets outperform chicken nuggets in world's largest blind tasting
  • Now only loaded with 34 cancer causing agents and ingredients! 50% less likely to cause dementia!! Order today!

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • There is always something you can do about it. Always.

  • Mythbusters
  • My fav was if you could shoot someone in water. Turns out that just 3 ft. of water was enough to stop a 50 cal! So as great of a film as Saving Private Ryan was, the opening scene where bullets wiz thru the sea killing soldiers was pure fiction.

  • Are .ru sites safe?
  • Visit It’s not the main Yandex domain just go visit it. Bro. Please. Stop.

  • New ASUS router firmware now requires a user to be 16y or older and will restrict features and even security upgrades if you opt out


    ASUS rolled out an update to its firmware ( that now requires users to be over the age of 16 and to send a slew of metrics and data back to ASUS. If you do not agree or do not check the box to verify you are 16y or older, you cannot use the router. At this time, I’m not sure if ASUS has meant to disable the router for anyone under 16 or if it’s a bug.

    You can opt out at any time but lose access to a slew of features:

    > Please note that users are required to agree to share their information before using DDNS, Remote Connection (ASUS Router APP, Lyra APP. AiCloud, AiDisk), AiProtection, Traffic analyzer, Apps analyzer, Adaptive QoS, Game Boost and Web history. At any time, users can search the contents of the terms at this page or stop sharing their information with other parties by choosing Withdraw.

    Moreover, ASUS disables automatic firmware updates and worse, all security upgrades unless you opt into the data sharing. Security upgrades perform the following:

    > Security upgrade incorporates security measures that continuously update its security file and scans to protect against malware, malicious scripts, and emerging threats in order to secure the router and ensure system stability. Some upgrades addressing important security issues or meeting legal/regulatory requirements will still be downloaded and installed automatically, even if "Security Upgrade" is turned off.

    Edit: I have personally contacted their CEO's office, but if others would like to voice their disapproval as well, here is a link:


    An option to open images without the UI

    Currently Voyager shows the UI when previewing an image. A user must tap one to hide it.

    An option to have it hidden unless tapped would be a great bit of UX for users to view images without obstruction or manual input.



    Can we talk about cache?

    Device storage is a premium commodity. It would be great to see cache clearing and perhaps setting size limits.


    iMessage Contact Key Verification Blog - Advancing iMessage security: iMessage Contact Key Verification - Apple Security Research

    iMessage broke new ground in 2011 as the first widely available messaging service to provide secure end-to-end encryption by default. Ever since, we’ve been making ongoing improvements to iMessage security to protect our users’ most sensitive communications. This brief technical overview introduces ...

    Blog - Advancing iMessage security: iMessage Contact Key Verification - Apple Security Research

    What's the worst that could happen running a router in another region

    I purchased a router from the EU. So the frequencies are different than those sold in the US.

    What’s the worst that could happen running a router in the US that’s on the frequencies from another country (like UK).
