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uglo ugh... lo!
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what games are you playing this week?
  • 16 so far, just to get the Skelly's achievement. On my second playthrough I decided that I want to get that game to 100% both achievement-wise and content-wise, so I'm working on bonds with all characters at that moment

  • what games are you playing this week?
  • Hades. I'm not a fan of rogue-like games, but this one is awesome! I bought it second time on a different platform and trying to beat it on 100% again. I think for me one of the most appealing things of that game isdesign. Like, it's done amazingly well, "with love and care" one would say

  • Nintendo Switch ugh... lo!

    Overwatch 2 is awesome!

    Just tried Overwatch 2 on switch and it was... Flawless!

    I mean, Overwatch is very fast shooter with high amount of action per square meter and I expected it to be laggy, but apparently it works quite good, without any noticeable fps drops or something


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