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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 5
Comments 240
Root causes
  • Wow wow, easy now haha. I don't think capitalism is good or necessary (although if things in general happen, it's part of nature in some way).

    I only think it might have sped up innovation, which is also not per se good or bad. But there are probably more possible drivers / factors to that. I know for example that in a communist approach, innovation can be driven by giving the best performing team the lead on architectural decisions. Which is interesting.

    My main point was though that nothing is necessary. I fully support human rights, but on a philosophical level they are not necessary. We just want them to be important, we call them necessary.

  • Root causes
  • But nothing is actually necessary. It depends on what you want to achieve.

    The speed of innovation might have gotten a big impulse by capitalism; I'm not sure if we'd technologically be where we are now otherwise. Of course one could argue that we do not need tech in its current form, which is fair.

  • A reminder to love nature
  • I'm open to any answer in this; but I think he misses the point here that every animal in itself would need a field of grass in food volume to survive.

    No matter how you put it, it seems to me that adding an extra animal to the equation requires more food/water/space, not less.

  • A reminder to love nature
  • I'm open to any answer in this; but I think he misses the point here that every animal in itself would need a field of grass in food volume to survive.

    No matter how you put it, it seems to me that adding an extra animal to the equation requires more food/water/space, not less.

  • La Plata, Argentina
  • Why inefficient? I thought its structure would make it more efficient, or am I missing something.

    Edit: I read about the intersections now, but if they act as roundabouts it should be able to work just fine right?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group... - UN definition

    Consensus on the matter seems complex and I'm not an expert, but what I believe is the issue is the exact definition. The grey area lies with the intent of Israel, as they state they are aiming at Hamas military targets while actually having (bizarre levels of) collateral damage.

    But by this definition, one could mass murder any number of people at all times, as long as they have not spoken out their intent to do so. It's just word play at that point.

  • Dawkins
  • Interesting, thanks for sharing. It really does seem out of place to suddenly reference the suffering of Muslim women in this context.

    He seems to elaborate in that he just thinks this case was an overreaction on the side of the woman who felt uneasy, but that of course is a different discussion. We're not comparing suffering here. I understand the negativity he seems to have brought up on himself better now.

  • Why English Is So Hard To Learn
  • I can imagine it is complex, but is it also complicated with these stupid inconsistencies as in English? Complexity is hard, but can be a good thing if it's just much logic. In English the logic has sadly been long lost as seen in the original post.

  • Dawkins
  • Do you have a source for that; what I could find in a quick Google about his statements on rape is his arguments on X is bad and Y is worse. Which is more of a logical argument, but this does not include "a Muslim would have done worse".

    Quote by him: "Date rape is bad. Stranger rape at knifepoint is worse. If you think that's an endorsement of date rape, go away and learn how to think."

    These statements are bound to be controversial as people might somehow interpret X is not bad as Y is worse. But I would disagree, this is more of a thought experiment in which you can always have a worse situation.

  • Dawkins
  • His wording is a bit harsh, but I don't think what he says should receive such a backlash. He expresses hard stances on religion as well, which can hurt people in a similar way as that's also part of their identity.

    I think he's not entirely accurate here though, as there can really be biological mixes / nuances in the sex of people. Even if you exclude the gender discussion on top. It's all just a gradual thing I'd guess, even possibly inconsistent in 'percentage' on different parts of the body.

    And all in all it's also dependent on our culture how we perceive some things as feminine and masculine.

    I don't get why we can't agree that biologically people tend to be on a multidimensional spectrum, which sometimes is too ambiguous for the naked eye to pin a binary value on. Even scientifically it could be difficult to determine. Above all, on the gender side we indeed should have the courtesy to trust how someone feels and likes to be perceived in this world.

    But we can also not blame people for expressing uneasiness if the biological sex and gender are too far apart in how we defined it culturally over thousands of years. One cannot avoid some conflict there.

    Hopefully we can try to better ourselves and respect others, in both ways.

  • Any Volunteers
  • Sharing ideas can definitely be worth something when it leads to something actual original/concrete/useful, but on another level.

    Most ideas these "creatives" come up with are neither of those + they are not willing to put in some effort to solidify the idea themselves.

  • depression_now! tweeks

    I'm sorry grandma


    Wiskunde werkboeken?

    Ik ben nooit zo'n ster geweest in wiskunde (en de reken-kant van natuurkunde) op de middelbare, maar heb de laatste jaren veel interesse ontwikkeld voor het onderwerp en zoek werkboeken / bronnen voor een goede herintroductie.

    Het prettigst zou ik een werkboek vinden waar je direct in kunt schrijven. Een wiskunde/natuurkunde vakantieboek zat ik ook aan te denken. Laagdrempelig en toch er mee bezig.

    Iemand die toevallig tips heeft? (Engels mag ook)


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    EU wil dat sociale media meer doen tegen Russische beïnvloeding verkiezingen

    Hebben jullie het idee dat er veel nepnieuws is in aanloop naar de verkiezingen?

    Ik heb het idee dat ik veel minder (nieuwe) gekke geluiden hoor, dan vorige verkiezingen, misschien omdat de politiek al wat rumoerig is momenteel. Het artikel deed me twijfelen.

    2 Files weer helemaal terug, inmiddels meer dan in de pre-coronatijd

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    Hoe dan.. Ik begrijp dat veel hardwerkende Nederlanders op locatie moeten zijn om praktische redenen, maar er is toch ook een groot deel wat veel meer thuis werkt?

    klaagdraad tweeks

    Fooien verbannen

    Ik heb toch zo'n verdraaid omvangrijke aversie tegen fooien geven en de sociale frictie die het met zich mee brengt; met name in het buitenland. Neem m'n geld, neem alles, maar laat mij je niet moeten beoordelen met een paar centen.

    Misschien is mijn brein wat extreem, maar bij tijd en wijle zit ik het halve diner in m'n achterhoofd met hoe ik iemand niet te min doe of juist ongemakkelijk laat voelen met te veel.

    De 10% regel bij eten gaat aardig, maar dan kom je soms ook net vaag uit; en bij een laatste hoteldag werkt dat in mijn beleving ook niet goed (afhankelijk van het land). Om niet te spreken van hoe suf het voelt bij pinnen om af te ronden, wat soms selfs een extra actie van het personeel vergt aan 't pinapparaat.

    Hoe doen jullie dat en hoe ga je er mentaal mee om?

    TL;NG: Haat aan de fooi en help deze dwaas.
