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[META] Head mod and other mods wanted
  • Yep that’s the one.

  • [META] Head mod and other mods wanted
  • Done, it’s transferred to you.

    Can you remove the other account as mod? I forgot to do that before transferring.

  • [META] Head mod and other mods wanted
  • Would you be willing to take over?

    If so, I can transfer the community to you and you can have a crack at it.

  • [META] Head mod and other mods wanted

    I've created this community because I was looking for one to participate in and it didn't exist yet.

    Since then I've come to the realization that I can't commit the time that's necessary to make this into a successful community.

    That's why I'm looking for someone who would like to take over and to whom I can transfer the community.

    All that I ask is that you give it your best shot.

    If you're interested please reply to this post.


    [META] Head mod and other mods wanted

    I've created this community because I was looking for one to participate in and it didn't exist yet.

    Since then I've come to the realization that I can't commit the time that's necessary to make this into a successful community.

    That's why I'm looking for someone who would like to take over and to whom I can transfer the community.

    All that I ask is that you give it your best shot.

    If you're interested please reply to this post.


    [META] Head mod and other mods wanted

    I've created this community because I was looking for one to participate in and it didn't exist yet.

    Since then I've come to the realization that I can't commit the time that's necessary to make this into a successful community.

    That's why I'm looking for someone who would like to take over and to whom I can transfer the community.

    All that I ask is that you give it your best shot.

    If you're interested please reply to this post.


    [META] Head mod and other mods wanted

    I've created this community because I was looking for one to participate in and it didn't exist yet.

    Since then I've come to the realization that I can't commit the time that's necessary to make this into a successful community.

    That's why I'm looking for someone who would like to take over and to whom I can transfer the community.

    All that I ask is that you give it your best shot.

    If you're interested please reply to this post.


    [META] Head mod and other mods wanted

    I've created this community because I was looking for one to participate in and it didn't exist yet.

    Since then I've come to the realization that I can't commit the time that's necessary to make this into a successful community.

    That's why I'm looking for someone who would like to take over and to whom I can transfer the community.

    All that I ask is that you give it your best shot.

    If you're interested please reply to this post.

    Foundation S02E03 - King and Commoner - Episode Discussion
  • Thanks for the heads up. It’s fixed now.

  • S01E06 - Comply Slowly - Episode Discussion
  • Lots going on in this episode.

    Home Secretary is annoying as fuck.

    The layers of this shadow organization seem to run very deep.
    Makes me wonder if there’s more to it than to have a criminal be set free, just because it seems rather overkill to incur so much more criminal liability by hijacking a plane.
    Also makes me wonder if there’s more to leaking it to the press other than putting pressure on the government, perhaps they’re also looking to make out like bandits on the stock market as was hinted.

    Getting out of the car out of sight is a typical trope, but didn’t annoy me that much.

    Having backup hijackers was something I had expected early on, but they kept that keg of powder dry long enough that I had forgotten about it, so I was blind-sighted by it in a pleasant way.

    Wonder what the point was of specifically killing the pilot and locking herself into the cockpit.

    Good ad for Apple products 😜.
    Can’t get into the Mac, and if you pay close attention you can notice it taking longer for the password to be checked with each attempt just like in real life.

    Kid should’ve had an Apple Watch, then he could’ve remotely put his phone on Do Not Disturb (just to be safe) and call/text for help from the closet, instead of that gambit with the landline (also who stores away a landline phone but keeps the service?).

    For me personally they manage to stop just short of the point of annoyance with the blue balling.

    First with the realization of the blank rounds being negated by switching to live rounds and now with the uprising being foiled by the discovery/backup hijacker.

    All in all very enjoyable episode.

  • episode s1e6 comment
  • It was definitely gripping, discussion thread is up.

    Sorry for the delay, feel free to create one yourself next time if there isn’t one yet.

  • Foundation S02E03 - King and Commoner - Episode Discussion
  • Yes Lemmy has an editing option for titles.

  • Strikes' effect on season 2 of Silo?
  • Yikes.

    I guess there was no way it wouldn't be affected by the strikes.
    Thanks for sharing the article.

  • Apple Invites Developers to Vision Pro Coding Labs, Reveals Top-Secret Rules for Tester Kits

    Earlier this week, Apple started accepting applications for one-day Vision Pro developer labs in Cupertino, London, Munich, Shanghai, Singapore, and...

    Apple Invites Developers to Vision Pro Coding Labs, Reveals Top-Secret Rules for Tester Kits

    Weekly “What are you watching” Megathread

    Share what you're watching with the rest of the community.

    Anything that pleasantly surprised you? Or did something disappoint perhaps?

    Found a gem that no one is talking about but everyone should know about?

    Share it all in here!


    Strikes' effect on season 2 of Silo?

    I wonder if and how the strikes affect season 2, haven't been able to find much information specific to Silo.

    Anyone that came across an article or other form of information that could shed a light on this?

    I enjoy the crowded room
  • It's still on my list of things to watch, because it looks so good. Just so busy lately.

    I guess the silver lining is that I can at least binge it in one go.

  • The Afterparty S02E04 - Hannah - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for The Afterparty season 2 episode 4: “Hannah”

    Episode is live!


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    Foundation S02E03 - King and Commoner - Episode Discussion

    Discussion thread for Foundation season 2 episode 3: “King and Commoner”

    Episode is live!


    • Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes

    Off limits:

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    S01E03 - Draw a Blank - Episode Discussion
  • Seems like everything is coming to a head now.

    Shame the knowledge about the blanks seems to end up being useless, because they wasted so much time verifying.

    I can only assume the end was a fake out and the guy shooting the gun missed in the chaos of getting to the back.

  • S01E02 - 3 Degrees - Episode Discussion
  • Seems like everything is coming to a head now.

    Shame the knowledge about the blanks seems to end up being useless, because they wasted so much time verifying.

    I can only assume the end was a fake out and the guy shooting the gun missed in the chaos of getting to the back.

  • Hijack S01E03 - Draw a Blank - Discussion Thread over at [email protected] S01E03 - Draw a Blank - Episode Discussion -

    Discussion thread for Hijack season 1 episode 2: “Draw a Blank” **Episode will go live July 4, 2023 UTC. ** Allowed: - Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes Off limits: - Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread

  • It’s pretty ok @[email protected].
    It creates a community on this instance with posts from Reddit, allowing you to easily crosspost.

    Only issue is if your own instance is buckling under the weight of traffic, then it can be a bit slow and cumbersome.

    You also need to remember to quickly subscribe to the newly created community on this instance from your own instance because federation doesn’t pull old posts from prior to the first person on an instance subscribing to a community on another instance.

  • They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub
  • Reddit is antsy to effectuate their exit strategy.

    Or to put it more simply: everyone with a stake in Reddit, from pigboy Huffman, to institutional investors like Fidelity, to employees who earned equity is eager for Reddit to have their IPO so they can offload their shares on the public stock market.

    Their valuation will be an important factor, if not the most important factor, that will determine for which price those stocks will initially be put on the market.

    So while slashing the valuation in half will not directly lose them money, it could translate into the initial stock price being half of what they anticipated, causing them to get half of what they would’ve gotten had the valuation not be slashed in half.

    There is no way in hell that people with equity in Reddit are not pissed about the slashing of the valuation, since they now anticipate getting a haircut as much as half of what they initially expected to get.

  • “I Will Remember Apollo”
  • You can listen to the song on his YouTube channel as well:

  • “I Will Remember Apollo”
  • What most people missed, much less understood, from that interaction is that Reddit justified the API cost based on “opportunity cost”.

    This means that Reddit was saying that they weren’t trying to kill off third party apps but that they simply were trying to charge $20MM/y to recoup the earnings they’re losing out on by virtue of people using Apollo instead of Reddit’s own offerings.

    So yeah, like you said, he clearly tried to call BS on the price motivation by essentially saying “if my mere existence is causing you to lose out on $20MM/y of earnings, why don’t you cut a check for $10MM to buy Apollo”.

    Because logically if it really was about opportunity cost and the pricing of $20MM/y would accurately reflect that, then a one time $10MM purchase would be such a steal compared to losing $20MM/y, it would have any CEO scrambling to sign a check the moment the option was even so much as whispered.

    Instead the API pricing was simply a ploy to kill off third party apps and the “opportunity cost” nonsense was mere pretext to be able to maintain that it wasn’t about killing off third party apps.

    Not to mention that outside of the vacuum of this specific matter, the whole ordeal was littered with duplicitous lies, like how it would be a fair and reasonable price when every other comparable API is multiple orders of magnitude cheaper, safe for Muskrat’s.

    Imgur for example would charge $166/50 million request, compared to Reddit’s $12,000 for the same amount. Or put it differently, Imgur charges $276,666/y compared to Reddit’s $20MM/y.

  • “I Will Remember Apollo”
  • Yeah, how dare he, after almost a decade of work, refuse to get back into the code mines at your whim and repurpose the app super easy in “a few hours”.


    Get a grip.

    Not only would it take far more than “a few hours”, he owes you jack all.

    Even if he would be interested in making a Lemmy app, he’d be well within his right to take a break from things.

  • [No Book Spoilers] Season 1 Discussion
  • She tripped over the sheriff’s corpse, she placed the badge on the sheriff to honor him and a minor consequence of that is that the VR simulation can’t account for that so it slightly glitches.

    The clue is that they’ve been using shitty tape to ensure all the cleaners will succumb to the toxic air within a few minutes.
    Walk however arranged that the Supply department would deliver the better tape from Mechanical, this went unnoticed because they look very similar and ensured Jules would be able to survive.

  • What’s new in SwiftUI for iOS 17

    This is another huge year of updates, delivering many highly requested features such as advanced scroll view effects, container relative sizing, and even Metal shaders.


    Share your progress on a 100 Days with Swift(UI)

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    Why do so many tech companies, like Reddit and Twitter are making their platforms worse for their users all of a sudden?
  • There is PeerTube, which is kind of the Fediverse's answer to YouTube.

    It doesn't really fit to YouTube the same way Mastodon fits Twitter and Lemmy fits Reddit, but it's relatively well used outside of the West, due to local governments blocking YouTube etc.