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ttmrichter ttmrichter
Posts 77
Comments 1.1K
For men, finding woman online to have a relationship with is impossible.
  • "I mean outside of the areas that are documented by people that work, it is impossible."

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • Because CBC is using murder as a legal definition…

    [citation needed]

    But I get it, you don’t want technicalities.


    Stop digging. You don't get out of a deep hole of idiocy that you've dug for yourself by digging harder. Just shut the fuck up you idiot.

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • You know what else is small brain thinking? INCORRECTLY being pedantic about word choices. That's the part that pisses me off the most with these apologists. They are literally incorrecting people using words properly.

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • I cited the definitions of "murder" above. Explain to me, with reference to these definitions, how the term "murder" doesn't apply. (Hint: this is not possible.)

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • "Legal" definitions are for "legal" actions and "legal" contexts. Like an international criminal court.

    This is reportage for a general audience, not legal briefs. Fuck off with your legalistic shit.

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • I quoted the dictionary definition of murder above. Can you point to the part that says governments can't murder?

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • Yes. Murder has very specific definitions. (Note the plural.) Let me help you out with this, Sparky:


    / ˈmɜr dər /


    1. Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder, ormurder one ), and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder, or murder two ).

    2. Slang. something extremely difficult or perilous: That final exam was murder!


    1. Law. to kill by an act constituting murder.

    2. to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.

    3. to commit murder.

    The slang definition doesn't apply, so 2. A newspaper is not a court of law, so the legal definitions are gone: 1 and 3. That leaves 5 (which itself is just a reference to the legal definition, so 5) and 4.

    I think 4 applies fully here. What's happening in Gaza is definitely a slaughter, definitely inhuman, and definitely barbarous. This is also the correct register for informal reportage not related to legal actions.

    So perhaps if you want to argue based on definitions you should fucking read the dictionary first, Sparky. Or get used to people pointing and laughing at you in your clown pants.

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • Where, precisely (and be detailed, with a map) do you think Hamas should be locating itself in Gaza that doesn't have civilians all around them?

    You go get a map of Gaza and point it out. I'll wait.

  • U-Cal Berkeley seizes, closes, seals off People's Park
  • Sorry, but I think actual human beings who lack (affordable or at all!) shelter might just trump a park that was popular in the hippy scene.

    If there weren't outstanding legal challenges this would be a no-brainer for me. Fuck the hippies. I'd rather see people sleeping on the streets having options that don't include, you know, sleeping on the streets.

    With the outstanding legal challenges, though, I tilt against the university.

  • CBC says killing of Palestinians doesn’t merit terms ‘murderous,’ ‘brutal’ ⋆ The Breach
  • You'd think that it would be considered more brutal given that the people committing the killings aren't even exposing themselves to a threat.

    Cowards, in a word.

  • U-Cal Berkeley seizes, closes, seals off People's Park
  • Ugh. This one is a hard one to choose between. In the end, though, given that lawsuits are still in progress, I'm going to have to side against the university for strong-arming while legal actions are still ongoing.

  • Where did the exploding-heads people go?
  • And yet it's the "liberals" who are the whiny snowflakes.🙄

  • Should instances defederate with other instances anymore if we can filter instances out on our end?
  • Which part of "set up and run your own instance" is unclear you whiny buffoon!?

  • China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • I was in China during the pandemic. In 2022 everyone got COVID. Literally everyone in every big city.

    No you weren't and no they didn't.

    In motherfucking WUHAN, when "let 'er rip" opened up, about a third of the people got COVID-19. (Source: It's where I've lived since 2003; lived in Jiujiang before that.)

    But go ahead and lie about shit you clearly know nothing about. Your China Watcher friends will give you handjobs for it.

  • China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • The CPC […] is by no means a good government and the people in it are not good people at any level above the community cadre level […]

    They’re vile authoritarians […]

    Do you actually fucking READ before reacting you utter fuckwit?!

    Talking with Americans is like talking with ADHD-addled toddlers for fuck's sake!

  • China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty
  • I arrived in China 2001.

    I experienced the harshest and largest lockdown in all of history: Wuhan, January 23rd, 2020. A real lockdown, not the cosplay bullshit you experienced outside of China. (Yes, this is me saying you've never fucking set foot in the country.)

    The rest you're just flat-out lying about. Sorry, Sparky. Did pet killings happen? Yes. They were not the mass shit that the press you're so obviously reciting acts like they were. Did some doors get welded? Yes. But nowhere near you and, again, nowhere near in the masses the press you're basing your lies on made it seem like. The local salaries are garbage iff you're a fuckwit sitting in the west applying western prices to Chinese salaries. (Which, naturally, you are, good little fuckwit liar that you are.) And you've changed your tune from 14 hours to 12 hours really fucking quickly there, Sparky, not to mention using the proper slang only after I gave it to you.

    So yeah, you're just a west-dwelling fuckwit lying about being here. Go toddle off in your China Watcher corners and play with the rest of the intellectual children you belong with. There's a good boy.

  • Libertarianism just replaces governments with corporations, and doesn't lead to freedom!
  • If you don't actually understand why you got Trumped, making shit up to explain it is the wrong approach and just leads to another Trump or worse.

  • most of you have no idea what the words libertarianism, communism, socialism and authoritarianism mean
  • Which rule at the right says that again? I'm not seeing it.

  • most of you have no idea what the words libertarianism, communism, socialism and authoritarianism mean
  • And since when the fuck is. “Thank you” an insult?

    And since when is lying about what you actually said (lying by omission is still lying) intellectually honest?

  • General Programming Discussion ttmrichter

    Why optimization is important. Compiler Explorer - C

    /* Type your code here, or load an example. */ int square(int num) { char rv[num][num]; return sizeof(rv); } int cube(int num) { char rv[num][num][num]; return sizeof(rv); } int main(int argc, char** arg) { for (int a = 0; a < 1000; a++) { printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", ...

    Compiler Explorer - C

    If you use a compiled language, you should periodically look at Godbolt and see what your code is doing and what changes to your code will do in the compiled output.

    In this case a positively insane way of calculating squares and cubes generates 311 lines of ARM assembler output that will swallow your memory. With even something as simple as -O1 on the command line it's replaced by one or two multiplications respectively. With -fwhole-program it removes the functions entirely and interlaces them into the loop in main().

    Know your tools. It makes huge differences!



    You know, for a lauded "genius", Apartheid Edgelord seems to have a problem with basic arithmetic.


    Untangling Threads | Erin Kissane

    cross-posted from:

    > This is the most comprehensive analysis of the Threads situation that I have seen to far. I recommend giving it a read.


    cross-posted from:

    3 Elon Musk's Big Lie About Tesla Is Finally Exposed

    More than 2 million of the cars are being recalled — because Tesla’s “self-driving” systems have always been anything but

    Elon Musk's Big Lie About Tesla Is Finally Exposed

    It's so frustrating that something anybody even only peripherally aware of attempts to automate driving knew for years is only slowly coming out while the Apartheid Edgelord gets richer and richer from his lethal lies.


    Meta in Myanmar (full series)

    TL;DR: If you use Meta products you are a quisling supporting war criminals. It's that stark and that blunt. Meta are war criminals.


    Sick Pupa - "啃脑" [Lyric Video]

    The title translates roughly to "eat brains".

    AMUSING, INTERESTING, OUTRAGEOUS, or PROFOUND ttmrichter Fine print bombshell - share information which "undermines trust in government", face jail - Michael West

    The Government's ‘Review into Secrecy Provisions’ contains the greatest assault on democracy and accountability for many years.

    Fine print bombshell - share information which "undermines trust in government", face jail - Michael West

    When western countries start using language in their laws and policies that reads like it comes straight out of Chinese law books, the world is going to shit. It's unbelievable that this is coming so close to actually being enacted in a "democratic" nation.




    Purple Hell - "三花度" MV


    Protokult - Get me a Beer! (Official Video)

    Canadian polka-metal at its finest!
