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What is your preferred daily driver distribution?
  • Fedora (with Plasma) and I don't plan on moving to another distro until something tangible happens. Switching my distro based on hypothetical situations would keep me from ever staying on any distro for very long.

    That being said if I had to use another distro, I feel like I'd try out Debian stable, while using Flatpaks and Distrobox to get up-to-date software. That feels like it would be a good approximation of the excellent middleground that Fedora has.

  • Imagine trusting oracle
  • I think this is about the formation of the Open Enterprise Linux Association, which Oracle is a founding member of.

  • New highres Retrodays tileset variant coming soon
  • Very cool! I'm a big fan of the Neodays tileset because I find that the distinct colors for different entities helps to make things very easy to identify at a glance. This seems to keep that feature, while upping the resolution to make the shape of things more identifiable too. I'm interested to try it out!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The fact that this isn't the first time I've seen someone make that false equivalence demonstrates pretty well the problem that comes when a small number of instances have the majority of Lemmy's total users. I chose a small instance myself, partially to do my part in avoiding this issue, but the consolidation will likely continue to be a big problem until a good solution can be thought up and implemented.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The fact that this isn't the first time I've seen someone make that false equivalence demonstrates pretty well the problem that comes when a small number of instances have the majority of Lemmy's total users. I chose a small instance myself, partially to do my part in avoiding this issue, but the consolidation will likely continue to be a big problem until a good solution can be thought up and implemented.

  • I just started using Linux... any great tips?
  • Wow! On Fish, it brings up a whole search bar with a colored grid of results and tab to select and fuzzy finding. This is cool!

  • What are your favorite add-ons for Firefox?
    • uBlock Origin (of course)
    • Tab Stash: It lets you organize your tabs into groups and keep the groups around in a sidebar that unloads them when you don't need them at the moment. Very helpful for someone like me who always has a bunch of tabs open.
    • uBlacklist: It lets you blacklist domains from showing up in search results. It supports different search engines. Every helpful to get rid of SEO spam sites and mirror sites.
  • Overwatch 2 is now Steam's "worst game of all time"
  • With no context, completely in isolation, yeah Overwatch 2 isn't the worst. But for a lot of players, it's not just about what Overwatch 2 is, but also about what it did and what it means. That factors into players' feelings about the game.

  • After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'
  • There’s no need to shoehorn in your dislike of Chinese people into this video gaming story.

    Strawman flame-bait everyone. Please ignore.

  • which linux distro do you NOT like, and why?
  • Fedora is great! It ended my distro-hopping.

  • Why OpenSuse is said to be KDE Plasma first?
  • fwiw I remember reading around a year ago, a post by the KDE contributor Pointiest Stick that he actually thinks that Fedora has a better Plasma experience than Opensuse. I can't find the post where he said that though so take it with a grain of salt. But as someone who does use Fedora with Plasma, it feels like it mostly works fine. The only big issue I can think of atm is that the Plasma Discover auto-updater just doesn't work at all. It doesn't auto update. That could just be an issue specific to me though.

  • Gnome is Rethinking Window Management
  • This actually sounds like a really good idea! This could be big! I wanna try this for myself to get a feel for it.

  • Steam On Linux Usage Spikes To Nearly 2% In July, Larger Marketshare Than Apple macOS
  • I understand and that was one of the things I was thinking of when I said "Valve’s done bad things in the past of course". But when you compare them to many other AAA publishers, I don't see how Valve is particularly bad. Especially when you start bringing up lootboxes. Unlike many other publishes that go these same bad practices, and at a larger scale at that, value has done some good too, and is generally much more permissive about things like fanworks, and that does a lot to build good will. I don't see what's "short memory" about this.

    And I'm not even saying that I love valve or anything either, but the devil? Compared to other publishers?

  • Steam On Linux Usage Spikes To Nearly 2% In July, Larger Marketshare Than Apple macOS
  • Are you getting them confused with another company? Valve's done bad things in the past of course, but they're still a lot better than most other gaming companies that I know of. I typically put Valve alongside companies like Capcom and Sega as "one of the not bad ones" in terms of malicious practices.

  • AI Image Upscaler - upscayl 2.5.5
  • How does this compare to waifu2x for anime-style images? Does it manage to beat it, or is this more for photos?

    edit: it looks like it's much better

  • it's almost done!!!
  • Not trying to be defeatist, but I feel pretty confident that this stuff will be forcibly or "accidentally" removed soon before the canvas stops being editable, or it will just be edited after the fact. The admins have the power to simply wipe away anything on the canvas that they don't like.

  • Loot boxes: Games companies agree to restrict access in UK
  • I have not ever bought a single game that used those monetization strategies as a part of its core business model, and I never plan to. The problem is that people like me (and presumably you) aren't the ones they're making the bulk of their money off of. It's the vulnerable people with addictive tendencies, the "whales" as they call them in the industry, that they're getting the vast majority of their profits from. It's predatory.

    When they're targeting people who are struggling with addiction, "voting with your wallet" doesn't work anymore.

  • Loot boxes: Games companies agree to restrict access in UK
  • I would agree if it was about genuine game mechanics or story or things like that. But lootboxes aren't designed for fun. They're designed to exploit vulnerable people for maximum profit, and trick others into giving those vulnerable people an incentive to spend away their life savings on thinly-veiled gambling for virtual prizes.

    We have much to gain from lootboxes (at least in their current state) being removed from the equation entirely.

  • Anyone else starting to favor Flatpak over native packages?
  • Because you can make sure it was done right. You don't have to worry about bugs or other issues being the result of faulty packaging if you're the one doing the packaging. Plus It makes reproducing bugs easier when everyone's using the same package, and declaring the flatpak as the official package makes it much more likely that people will use the flatpak.

  • Give it to me straight. How worried are you for Fedora's future after Red Hats recent anti user decisions?
  • Only a little. The only thing I'm really worried about is IBM (maybe secretly) forcing Red Hat to reduce or cut its involvement with Fedora to save money. Without Red Hat's help, Fedora might struggle, but I don't think it will die or be corrupted as a result of whatever's going on.

    Also, while I don't have the full picture, I heard that the whole "closed source" thing was an exaggeration in the first place. So maybe there isn't really much to worry about. We'll just have to see of course. I like Fedora a lot, but I can just switch if I need to, so I'm not really letting this worry me.

  • recent exploit

    Did you hear about that exploit? The one that got hacked? Does it affect here?

    I doubt someone would really try it with here since this instance is so small, but I don't know how big of a security issue the exploit is.

    Here's an update from (I don't know how to do instance specific links)


    frozen active and hot sort?

    I noticed that when I sort by active or hot, it looks like the results have been staying completely the same for a past week or so, even when new posts are being made and getting comments and votes. Even on the "all" page, active and hot appear to be stuck. I checked a few other Lemmy instances, and their active and hot sorts seem to be fine, so I don't think it's a bug in the software.
