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triplenadir triplenadir
Posts 2
Comments 123
when is the patch coming?
  • "wuhan virus" opinion discarded

  • Pluralistic: Apple fucked us on right to repair (again) (Cory Doctorow)
  • 3 downvoters will only accept first-party Apple™ servicing of the iBoot™ on their tongue

  • Totally make sense
  • agree, except "doesn't exist in the language" - if people are saying it, it exists in the language, there's no committee deciding what's "in" or "out" of Spanish (or English, for that matter).

  • [XFCE] First rice, followed a tutorial and made my own changes.
  • using the word "rice" like that is banned in this community because of the term's racist history. commenting in case you'd like to edit it before the post gets reported

  • 10 tips for riding electric bikes around cars (and living to tell)
  • a heavy object in a quickly usable position - metal lock on the handlebars is fine, a brick in one hand is better - works way better than these mostly victim-blaming "tips", in my experience.

  • Solarpunk Postcard - Repurposed Parking Garage
  • both?

    while sustainable building techniques and materials are (re)discovered, tearing down serviceable shelter instead of repurposing seems like it'd be kind of a wasteful approach

  • Solarpunk Postcard - Repurposed Parking Garage
  • amazing concept, beautifully done 💖

  • JackRabbit's 'silly little e-bike' gets big updates, bigger motor, dual batteries, & more
  • interesting challenge to my concept of what an "e bike" is that there's no way of pedalling it. that's not as much of a show stopper as the >$1500 price, but kinda curious

  • Classic TV is superior to streaming
  • maybe. but piracy is better than either 🏴‍☠️ (even if just because it doesn't have ads, and shows and movies don't disappear suddenly)

  • Imagine
  • the developers of composer are way ahead of you, every time I run composer install I get a blue and yellow "stand with ukraine"...

  • extension is INCOMPATIBLE with current GNOME version
  • shortcuts for >4 workspaces work fine, they're just not in the default settings app

  • North Korea celebrated its founding with a military parade featuring dump trucks modified to work as rocket launchers
  • under any coherent definition of "whataboutism", it would mean saying "any crimes against humanity committed by the North Korean government don't matter, because of [something an unrelated regime did]".

    instead, I was responding to @[email protected], who was saying that the US invading North Korea wouldn't make the citizens' lives any worse – to which, talking about the history of how US invasions have affected people seems, I don't know, extremely relevant?

    unless your comment is meant to be satire about how "whataboutism" is coming to mean "any criticism of the US government whatsoever", in which case it's a beautiful job 👏

  • North Korea celebrated its founding with a military parade featuring dump trucks modified to work as rocket launchers
  • just like the neutral-to-positive impact caused by some good ol' apple pie war crimes in Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc...?

  • Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death
  • what if we had records of contemporary US top military leaders saying the exact opposite, would you stop cheerleading for mass slaughter then?

    because, in an amazing coincidence...

    While a majority of Americans may not be familiar with this history, the National Museum of the U.S. Navy in Washington, D.C., states unambiguously on a plaque with its atomic bomb exhibit: “The vast destruction wreaked by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the loss of 135,000 people made little impact on the Japanese military. However, the Soviet invasion of Manchuria … changed their minds.”...

    Seven of the United States’ eight five-star Army and Navy officers in 1945 agreed with the Navy’s vitriolic assessment. Generals Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur and Henry “Hap” Arnold and Admirals William Leahy, Chester Nimitz, Ernest King, and William Halsey are on record stating that the atomic bombs were either militarily unnecessary, morally reprehensible, or both.

    No one was more impassioned in his condemnation than Leahy, Truman’s chief of staff. He wrote in his memoir “that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender …. In being the first to use it we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages.”

    MacArthur thought the use of atomic bombs was inexcusable. He later wrote to former President Hoover that if Truman had followed Hoover’s “wise and statesmanlike” advice to modify its surrender terms and tell the Japanese they could keep their emperor, “the Japanese would have accepted it and gladly I have no doubt.”

    Before the bombings, Eisenhower had urged at Potsdam, “the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”

  • North Korea celebrated its founding with a military parade featuring dump trucks modified to work as rocket launchers
  • "unfortunately, there was just no way around it - they built their own weapons instead of buying them for billions each from Lockheed Martin, so the US government just had to murder hundreds of thousands of their civilians" said Spacemanspliff, ruefully taking a toke in memorial of the people who'd chosen to become victims of war crimes

  • Payday 3 lets you steal the FoV slider too.
  • I assume bigotry based on "plural" (multiple identities) in the twitter profile

  • Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death
  • I hope the ghosts of hundreds of thousands of murdered Japanese civilians haunt you for the rest of your life. thank fuck even the post-1945 US government isn't as bloodthirsty for war crimes as you are

  • A New Wave of Neo-Nazism Has Become Visible in Wake of Jacksonville Shooting
  • "free folk" is a weird way to describe the US/UK/etc., given what civil rights in those places were like at the time, and the fact that the US now has the highest incarceration rate of anywhere in the world (and a prison system that kills a higher percentage of prisoners than the gulags in the USSR did).

    what's your evidence that

    a) the US got involved in the second world war for any reason other than to fight communism (US businesses continued to trade with the Nazi regime right until the end of the war),

    b) that the US had any capacity to push further east than they did,

    c) that anyone in the USSR wanted their "liberation" (polls in all of the places you mentioned had huge support for the USSR all the way to its dissolution, and even the CIA admits that calling Stalin a "dictator" was misleading propaganda

  • Texas paid bitcoin miner more than $31 million to cut energy usage during heat wave
  • all of your downvotes - many more than the person you're replying to - are for trying to claim that a system that's functioned as a pyramid scheme for most of its existence is not a pyramid scheme.

    how much cryptocurrency do you have?

  • 1-800-FIND-A-COMMUNITY triplenadir

    Community for Lemmy instance administrators?

    Is there a Lemmy community out there for people running a Lemmy server, to talk about the tech and maybe moderation?

    Ask Historians triplenadir

    UK equivalent of "list of atrocities committed by the US government"?

    There are a bunch of well-researched lists of US government atrocities (including "List of Atrocities committed by US authorities" Lemmy's own @[email protected].

    But I can't find an equivalent for the UK government, just "5 worst atrocities" listicles, and this too-specific and incomplete list fof "war crimes" on Wikipedia:

    Well done UK government propaganda department, I guess 😕

    Anyone know of a better list squirrelled away somewhere, or some resources which might help make one?
